chapter 4

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In the dojo, Jay and Lloyd were training on some wooden pillars, similar to back at the monastery.

"You must be light on your feet!" Jay instructed as he dodged on of Lloyd's attacks.

Cole stacked up ten wooden boards on top of each other.
"When you strike with your fists, concentrate. You may be small, but you're strong."

Lloyd stuck the boards. Not only did he break the boards, but cracked the floor as well. The ninja were sent falling backwards.

"That was the power of the scythe of quakes! And you did it without the golden weapon!" Kai exclaimed.
"That must be why you have the potential to be the greatest Ninja." Zane said. Lloyd looked at his hands amazed.

"You can harness the power of the elements." Morro said.
"Really? Ha! Cool! Can I use yours too?" Lloyd asked Morro.
"Ah, uh, n-no. I'm not part of the prophecy." Morro said resting his hands behind his head.

"With this power, you must be careful." Sensei said observing.
"You must control it before it controls you." Sensei Wu informed, holding a cup of tea. Morro looked away.

"I have to admit, not bad for a kid." Dareth walked into the room with two students behind him carrying multiple boards.
"But instead of ten boards, how about fifty? Stack 'em boys." The boys placed fifty boards, separated in two groups of 25 and set them down on some cinder blocks.

"And perhaps if I, grand sensei Dareth can break through them all, you will allow me join you team and become..." Dareth started. The ninja looked confused.
"The brown ninja!" Dareth spun around revealing a brown hood to go along with his outfit.

"The brown ninja? Khh. You gotta be joking!" Jay laughed.
"Sorry pal. Club's already full." Cole said.

"Okay, okay. Then maybe this, demonstration of my super human strength may persuade you. Jeffy, Phil, are we ready?" Dareth asked.
"Yes grand sensei Dareth!" The two boys bowed.

"Observe. I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength." Dareth mumbled.
"The dragon."

Kai and Zane smirked at each other, Cole crossed his arms and Jay covered his mouth to try and keep himself from laughing.

"This will go well." Morro told himself.

"HEEEEYYAH!" Dareth stuck the boards but nothing broke, nothing even cracked. Instead all that came out of it was a bruised hand and a loud scream.

The ninja burst out in laughter. Everyone.

Outside, it seemed like a normal day. People were walking, doing their jobs, living their lives. But like I said, seemed. A shadow pulled over the streets. The destiny's bounty was flying close to the ground, scarring the people out on the streets.

"What is this place, Cap'n?" The first mate asked Soto.
"A place to plunder. Never have my eyes seen such treasures. Boys, take whatever you want!" Soto said leaning over the edge.

In a nearby business office, the bounty flew by.
"Are those... Pirates?" One woman got up.

"Fire!!" Soto commanded and a cannot ball came flying at the office and crashed in.

The postman was just walking his bike along the sidewalk when a loud noise was made.
"Great, now what?!"

Then, a pirate swooped down on a rope and took the bag of mail!...for some reason.

"Hey! You can't do that!" The postman yelled.

A few pirates, including Soto, stopped a bus in the street. The driver honked the horn at them.
"Aye, a creature. Let's give him a taste of our steel!" Soto said. The pirates start hitting the bus with their weapons and the people panic.

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