chapter 17

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The morning came and the tide lowered down. The waters we're calm and the bounty was drifting with the stream flow.

Inside the lower deck, the ninja were emptying the water pulled in from the big hole in the side.

"Ah, this is hopeless! Now that we have no rudder we've been drifting aimlessly and we'll never get to the Dark Island." Kai said.
"We only know what is foretold will happen. Not when it will happen." Misako said.

Morro slipped and almost fell because of the water. He sighed.
"You know, this would be a lot easier if--" Morro looked up at his sensei. Wu shook his head.
"Never mind." Morro continued to empty the water.

Zane dropped the bucket he was holding.
"What is it Zane?" Sensei asked.
Zane walked towards the opening.
"I sense something." Zane said.
"Is it the falcon?" Cole asked.
"Is he alright?" Jay asked.

"No it's, uh..." Zane poked his head out. He saw a lone tower on a rock with very course debris around it.
"...something else! Brace yourselves!"

The ship hit the rocks on the shore, making the team fall off balance. After the bounty stopped moving, the team decided to get a closer look.

"Who would build a lighthouse way out here?" Lloyd asked.
"It's not a lighthouse, it's a prison." Zane started to walk up the stairs to the door.

Reaching the top, there was a loud roar from the water.
"Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear." Jay told himself.
"Mysterious. We better keep going." Sensei said.

As Zane reached the door, a camera faced them.
"Uh, should we smile?" Jay asked.
The door opened imidiatly.

"Zane! Is it really you?" And old man wearing a whit coat and glasses very excitedly asked. Zane's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it.
"You found me!" The old man hugged the nindroid.

"Uh, do you know him?" Lloyd asked.
"Of course I know him, I built him for heaven's sake!" The old man, Dr. Julien said.

"You're Zane's father?" Morro stepped forward. Dr. Julien nodded.
"But my memory tells me that you have passed." Zane said.
"Ah, you found your memory switch." Julien sighed. There it us again. That growl from the water.

"Hurry, it can't know that you are here or else there will be dues to pay." Dr. Julien welcomed the group.
"It?" Jay gulped.
"I'll explain everything inside, including why it is that you thought I was dead." Julien entered the building.

"Well, the Bounty's sailing days are over." Nya sighed as she looked at through ship.
"Come on Nya." Wu said.

"Locking, barricading, and checking." Dr. Julien did all the nesesary things.
"I think we're safe. This way." He lead everyone up the stairs into the room where Dr. Julien would ususaly stay in. It was small, had only the nessesary things and a light in the middle of the room making it feel warm and quaint.

"Please, please have a seat. You must be thirsty." Dr. Julien said.
"Seat? Where?" Zane asked.
Julien pulled a lever and the light switched out to a table.
"There of course."

"Wow, that's pretty smart." Nya said walking over to sit.
"A technical wizard." Cole added.

Jay stole a pair of underwhere. Yeah. Well anyways...

Everyone sat down except for Zane. Dr. Julien pushed a button and a little droid came out holding teacups. It jumped onto the table and distributed the cups to everyone then went off to grab a teapot. Julien happily handed the teapot to the small droid and it poured the tea. Jay decided to test it by moving the cup, but it only ended up with the tea bring poured onto him. Everyone could laugh at that

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