chapter 15

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The Falcon flew high above the sky and spotted multiple parts in the streets of Ninjago City. From those openings, came the some warrior who had escaped their resting place.

The flacon spotted it and reported it to Zane.

"Sensei, it's as we feared. Another Stone Samurai Warrior is loose on the streets." Zane said. An opening on the ground came up right behind the ninja and another stone warrior popped out. And more, and more, and more! Multiple warriors of the stone army resurfaced and started attacking.

They attacked everywhere from the comic shop, to the bank, to the mail! Poor guy never gets a break. One even attacked the dojo where Dareth tried to fight, but was immediately thrown out of the building. While running away, Dareth ran into Gayle and her camera man who had just quit.

"You! Wanna be my cameraman?" Gayle asked Dareth.
"Uh, not really." Dareth looked at the camera.
"Great! Follow me! I need this shot. You getting this?" Gayle asked as she directed Dareth to a bunch of stone warriors on the street.
"I hope so." Dareth held the camera up and recorded.

"I'm standing outside Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo, training headquarters of the Ninja, only to find that even here, no one is safe." Gayle said.
"Uh, Gayle..." Dareth saw a stone samurai staring right at them.
"Hey. I talk, you film." Gayle snapped.
"But, Gayle--"

"No buts--AAAHHH!!" The stone warrior had lifted Gayle up into the air. Zane jumped in to kick him away and save Gayle.

"You seem in need of assistance." Zane said.
"Thanks, Mr. Ninja." Gayle was set down. The other ninja jumped in the scene.

Tons of the stone warriors readied to attack the ninja. The charged and yelled. The ninja got in a defensive stand, ready to protect and fight.

"Stay strong. Show no weakness." Cole said. Thankfully, they didn't have to fight as Lloyd, Misako and Wu knocked them out of the way with the ultra sonic radar.

"We have to protect the people. Gather as many as you can and get them to our evacuation point." Sensei instructed. Nya's voice popped up on the radar's radio.
"We've got problems with that evacuation point, guys. I can't find a safe place to land!" Nya said.

"The NGTV office building has a helipad on the roof." Gayle informed.
"Yes. Higher ground. Lloyd, tell Nya to head there." Sensei said. Lloyd nodded and Gayle turned to the camera.

"Citizens of Ninjago who have yet to evacuate the city, head to the NGTV building rooftop. Our heroic Ninja will evacuate you from there! But hurry. We're running out of time." Gayle, through the news, informed all of the Ninjago city residents to evacuate.

"And you, stay safe. Stay out of trouble." Wu said to Misako. Misako smiled and looked around.
"Looks like that won't be possible." Misako pointed out that there were multiple stone warriors running down the street towards the ninja.
"Uh-oh. There are more of them." Lloyd turned around to see that they're cornered.

The ultra dragon dropped down from the sky, shaking the ground and throwing the stone warriors off their feet.
"Yeah! Haha!" Lloyd cheered. The dragon then flew over, landing in the other stone warrior's way.

"Lloyd, did you practice your Elemental Quakes?" Sensei asked. Lloyd smirked and jumped out of the radar.
"Who needs to practice when you're a natural?" Lloyd punched the ground, creating a mini earth quake, rising the ground up a bit.

Jay and Zane jumped in the other two cockpits, while Kai and Cole hung onto the sides and Morro at the top. and readied to meet up at the rendezvous.
"Thanks, boy. Now see if you can help us find a way out of here." Lloyd back flipped onto the top of the radar beside Morro.

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