chapter 20

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On the dark island, Garmadon watched over the celestial clock. He has a look of hesitance.

"The clock is only hours away from finishing its countdown to the Final Battle between good and evil, Garmadon. Why so sad?" The Overlord asked.
"Me? Sad? Ha! Nonsense. I couldn't be happier. It's just..." Garmadon trialed off.

"Lloyd." The Overlord deduced.
"I still have to battle my son in order to transform Ninjago into my image." Garmadon said uneasy.
"Battle and defeat, if evil is to prevail." The Overlord reminded. Garmadon turned and left.

-the base of the ninja-

"Order up. Coconut cream pie. Served well done!" Kai shouted. A coconut was launched into the sky and Kai used his new elemental blade to shoot fire and burst through coconut open.
Zane, Jay, and Cole were there too. They wore swim shorts and vacation wear.

"It is good to have our powers back." Zane said.
"Yup, you're right." Jay patted Zane on the back.
"And since we've all been working on our witty quips to follow every cool thing we do, I'd say we got this final battle in the bag. Or should I say…" Jay placed his hands behind his back and signaled to Cole.

Cole winked back, and launched another coconut in the air.
"I'd be shocked if we lose!" Jay pulled out his blade but the lightning only shot into the sky.

The four gasped.
"Is this seriously what you're doing?"
Morro had his hand on Jay's hilt, with an unamused expression.
"Uh-oh." Zane said.
"These weapons are really gonna cause a problem if you keep this up." Morro said.
"Oh, you're just jealous because you don't have yours!" Cole accused.
"I chose to leave mine. And what are you doing with yours? Setting off fireworks?" Morro said.

"Are you trying to reveal our hidden location?" The ninja looked up to see sensei wu on a little hill. Morro let go of Jay's blade.

"Uh... Sorry." Kai said.
"We were just practicing our cool new Elemental Blades."
"And our witty quips." Jay added.
"Be wary of overconfidence, Ninja. While it is true your powers can defeat the Stone Army, only Lloyd alone has the power to defeat Garmadon. When it is all over, then we will see who laughs last." Sensei said.

"Yes sensei." The four bowed and returned to the bounty.
"Cole, Kai, go put a shirt on." Morro said.

Back at the bounty, Nya was working on the driller, while Dr. Julien was talking to Lloyd while fixing the flacon.
"Every cog, every gear is important. If one piece is missing, or out of place, the invention won't work." Dr. Julien placed the final parts then closed the panel on the falcon. The mechanical bird sprung up again.

"Come now, little one. Time to fly." Dr. Julien let the falcon fly off into the sky.
"It is like you Ninja. You each serve very important roles, and are key parts to a magnificent fighting force." Sensei walkers up to Lloyd.

Cole saw the falcon flying, unaware that it was the falcon.
"Eat dirt, scumbag!" Cole drew his blade. Zane gasped. He pushed Cole aside and shot ice to intersect with Cole's earth.
"That is not a coconut!" Zane exclaimed.
"Nice reflexes Zane." Cole complemented as the other approached.

The falcon landed on Zane's arm.
"Good to have you back, old friend."

"If we're all gears, what if I'm the gear that doesn't work?" Lloyd asked.
"What if I don't do my part? What if I can't defeat my father?" Lloyd asked, full of doubt.
"All people have a part to play. Sooner or later, when that time comes, you will fulfil what you are meant to do." Morro said apraching the green ninja.

Lloyd still frowned.
"What if--"

"What if there are no more "What-ifs"? The Final Battle is almost upon us. When that time comes, we will know the answer to what ifs whether we like it or not." Sensei said.
"I know you don't want to face your father, but there is no other choice." Nya said.
"But perhaps there is. I used to think it was inevitable, but the I found this." Misako unrolled another scroll from her research.

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