chapter 14

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The sun shined its heat over the desert. In one specific spot, a coronation was commencing.
Skales stood at the highest point in Ouroborus while the rest of his kind cheered his name.

The fangpire general approached Skales with a golden crown with one blue jewel on it. The venomari general handed Skales his staff while the crown was placed on his head.

"Oh thank you. Thank you!" Skales tole the other serpentine.
"Get down, get down!" Skales pushed the other general away.
"You're too kind!" Skales exclaimed.
"Scram. Go, go, go." Skales shooed.

"Hypnobrai, Venomari, Constrictai, and Fangpyre. Hear me! The troubled reign of that duplicitous human Garmadon..." Skales started. The crowd cheered louder than ever.
" finally at an end. At last, our time has come." Skales announced.

"We Serpentine must now unite in a common destiny. To secure our place as rulers of Ninjago, and not let those insufferable surface dwellers win." Skales said.
"So as my first order, I say we burrow beneath their beloved city, to bury them as they once buried us! Fellow Serpentine, it's time we knock Ninjago City back down to size!" Skales announced.

-the dojo-

Lloyd covered his eyes with a blindfold and the other ninja surrounded him.
"Don't rely on your eyes. Use your ears." Cole said.

The ninja drawed their weapons, making a sound that Lloyd could hear. As the five closed in on Lloyd, Dareth entered the room.

"Uh, guys, I'm teaching a class later, so I'd appreciate a clean dojo." Dareth said.

The ninja continued with their drill. The ones with long ranged weapons stuck the ground where Lloyd was starting only for the green ninja to jump out of the way.

Lloyd kicked one of Zane's shurikens away and grabbed Cole's scythe. Lloyd, using the scythe, blocked one of Kai's attacks then used the scythe as an axis point to spin around and keep all the ninja at a distance.

Lloyd kicked Zane back and Cole into Dareth. Cole immidatly ran back to jump on Lloyd only to be avoided and landed on his weapon.

Lloyd jumped up again, dodging Kai and Morro and kicking Jay into the shelf of fake trophies. Dareth panicked. A lot.

Lloyd continued to fight off his opponents. He kicked Jay back and Dareth opened the window, letting Jay fall out. Lloyd had knocked down almost all the ninja.

Everyone stayed down except Morro who had been sneaking around and staying invisible due to being light on his feet. Lloyd charged up a a green fire and was looking for Morro.

The wind ninja threw his staff over Lloyd and stomped on the ground alerting Lloyd. Lloyd fired at where he herd, as Morro slipped behind Lloyd, grabbing his staff and the other ninja got up and ready to keep going.

At the same time, Wu had been gazing out the window on the bounty. He turned to face the inside and took off his straw hat. Inside, Wu tool out a picture that he kept.

A picture of a young Wu, Misako, and Garmadon. Misako wore her same outfit and she had hazel coloured hair. Garmadon wore a black and purple gi, with a red seal on it and had pale skin, dark brown hair and red glowing eyes. Wu had blond hair, a black, beige, and white kimono with a golden seal.

"I'd forgotten how pale Garmadon was before his change to evil was complete." Misako said sneaking up on Wu. Wu got startled and quickly his the picture in his hat and put it on again.
"Misako, once again, you slip through my defenses." Wu turned to face her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I brought my research on the prophecy of the Green Ninja. I thought maybe we could go over it together." Misako suggested.

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