chapter 13

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The new stone warrior exhibit was about to open. Multiple people gathered to see it.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this museum's greatest find." The curator stood at the base of what looked like a large statue underneath a red cloth.

"It outdates every other piece we have here, found right underneath this very building. I give you..." The curator went and pulled of the cloth, revealing a four-armed statue with a samurai helmet and armour complete with swords.
"An ancient samurai stone warrior!"

The crowd gasped in amazement. News reporters were taking pictures as everyone else marveled at the explicit statue.

However, some of the great Devourer's venom had dripped from the dealing and onto the statue. It was little, but powerful. That one little drop brought the massive stone warrior to life.

It's colour showed a black helmet, red armour and silver swords. The crowd screamed.
"It's alive!" One person shouted.
"Impossible. It just looks life like--" the curator got picked up by the massive warrior. It spoke it's ancient language, then threw the curator away.

The stone warrior jumped off of it's stone base, towards the people. It started to swing it's sword around makimg people flee.

"Have you discovered a way to prevent me from facing my father?" Lloyd's voice echoed from where they were.

"I'm sorry. Not yet." Misako apologized.
"But I have reason to belive there's still hope." She said.

The sound of the door breaking alerted the group. Startled, everyone turned to see the stone warrior breaking into the room.

"WOAH!! EXCUSE ME! Will somebody please tell me: WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" Jay yelled at the top of his lungs.
"The stone warrior." Misako said.
"The Devourer's venom has awakened him!" Zane concluded.
"Oh, great!" Cole said.
"Kai! Take care of him!"

Kai flinched.
"Uh... Me?" He asked. The stone warrior spoke it's language again. Kai flipped on his hood and drew his sword.
"Okay bobble head, take this!" Kai ran at the warrior. He jumped up to strike when the stone warrior deflected Kai with one old his own swords. Kai fell to the ground with a broken sword.

"Wow. I'm my mind's eye, I same that playing out entirely differently." Kai said. He got picked up by the stone warrior and dangled from his foot.
"The Overlord created his stone army from an indestructible material only found on the dark island!" Misako informed.

"Great, you could have mentioned that earlier! Woah!!" Kai got thrown behind the stone warrior.
"AAAAHHHH!!!" Kai yelled as he flipped through the air. He ended up breaking some vases as he landed.
"Lloyd! Use your powers!" Sensei instructed.

Lloyd pressed his hands together and shut his eyes. In his hands, a green energy started to form. Lloyd opened his eyes and fired a blast of green light towards the stone warrior. A bright light flashed and green fire was left at the door frame. No stone warrior.

"YES!" Lloyd exclaimed and everyone cheered. A ground rumbled as the stone warrior walked through the green flames revealing that it was unharmed.
"Ah, wait a minute. How are we supposed to destroy this thing?!" Cole asked.
"You can't." Misako said. The group stated to back up.

The stone warrior started to break down the door frame and wall so it could pass through and fight. Cole, Jay, Morro and Zane flipped on their hood and drew their weapons. The stone warrior broke through the wall and entered the room. One by one, the ninja tried to attack but all ended up getting his back. Their attacks does nothing. Jay almost fell into the bottomless pit!

Zane ran up to try and kick it but again unaffected. Each fighting, but nothing was working, the ninja, Misako and Wu got thrown out of the room and into the stone warrior exhibition.

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