chapter 11

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Still in the past, the ninja were watching from the top of the monastery, past Kai's training. Part Nya was determined to train while Kai walked around uninterested.

"You must harness the fire deep within you, Kai." Past Wu reminded.
Kai turned to look then got hit by a punching back.
"Ow! Ah. Yeah, yeah, yeah." Kai grunted getting up.

"Oh, I'm worthless!" Kai exclaimed.
"Now I'm happy I didn't help with your training. I don't wanna deal with that mess." Morro said.
"Ah! Rude." Kai said.
"It's like you don't even wanna be a ninja!" Jay said.
"Look, I told you the only reason I became a Ninja was to rescue my sister." Kai said.

"Ugh. Even when Garmadon does something good, it's always evil! Sensei ain't cutting the mustard. Guess it's up to us to get things back on track." Cole said.
"I thought you said not to get involved. "Change anything, change everything."" Jay said.
"Garmadon already changed the past and we need to fix a few things.
"He's right. The only way to save our future is for Kai to find his fire." Zane said.

"But what are you trying to say Zane?" Jay asked, still confused.
"I'm saying we have to give Kai his motivation back. We have to kidnap Nya and deliver her into the hands of the Skeleton." Zane put out a plan. Kai sighed.
"If that's what it takes. Okay, but if it's alright with you guys, I got an idea on how I could talk some sense into myself." He said with a plan of his own.

-time skip-

Nighttime came and the ninja began their plan. All except Kai snuck up onto the roof. The plan was for Cole, Jay, and Zane to kidnap Nya, Morro would keep watch, and Kai would keep himself busy.

The three flipped down into Nya's room with a bag.
"Time to play our parts." Cole handed skeleton masks to the others.
"We'll have to act quickly while Kai is keeping himself busy." Zane said.

Past Kai was doing his nightly routine. Showing off in front of the mirror. Present Kai took down the glass while past Kai was looking away.

Kai knew exactly what to do and copied his past self's movements.
"Hey dummy!" Kai said. Past Kai jumped.
"Yeah, I'm talking to you." Kai said.

"Would you get your head on straight and start listening to Sensei? The fate of the world kind of rests on it." Kai told himself.

On the roof, the three in charge of kidnapping Nya met up with Morro.
"Unhand, me skeletons!" Nya demanded.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Nya." Jay said.
"How'd you know my name? Oh, when my brother finds out about this, you'll be sorry!" Nya threatened.
"Actually, he'll be quite relieved." Cole said.

"Guys wanna hurry it up? We have some guests." Morro pointed at three people wearing black ninja gis.

"Uh, isn't that, uh, us?" Jay asked.
"Better lower our masks, so the don't recocgize us." Cole said.
"I have to stay out of this one." Morro said hiding behind the top part of the roof.
"Why?" Jay asked.
"If I fight they'll know it's me. And you better be quiet so you don't alert the past me." Morro said.

Jay jumped down and started to fight himself. It was light fighting his clone but different.

Zane and Cole stayed on the roof. Zane had his shurikens out and ready to fight.
"Let's not hurt ourselves, boys. I'd hate to leave a mark." Cole said. Zane put away his weapons and threw roof shingles instead.

"Kai! Help!!" Nya, who was still in the bag yelled.

"Huh? Nya!" Past Kai yelled. He started to leave the room.
"Hey, I wasn't done talking to you. You can't leave!" Kai said, still behind the mirror.
"Why not? You're just my reflection!" Past kai shouted.

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