Finding The Red Paladin

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The two groups stood on opposite sides by their ships. One group were the Paladins of Voltron alongside Coran and Allura. The other was the Blade of Marmora. The paladins were all in their uniforms and were holding their bayards at their sides. The blades had their hoods up and masks on hiding their identity. Each group took in the other before walking closer and conversing.

"You are the Blade of Marmora?" the black paladin asked.

"Yes. You are the paladins of Voltron." the blade at the front responded.

"Indeed. My name is Shiro, and yours?"

"Kolivan, leader of the Blade." 

The two shook hands and gestured their groups to come forwards. The blade members took down their hoods and removed their masks and the paladins removed their helmets, this allowing them all to see each other clearly. The small gasps could be heard from a few of the blades and Allura's curiosity got the best of her.

"What is the matter? Something has surprised you, what is it?" she asked.

"Kit." Kolivan called, looking over his shoulder.

From the back of the blades, one of the members jumped into the air and over the other members, landing gracefully beside Kolivan. They were still wearing their hood and mask as they turned to look at Kolivan.

"You see these people?" Kolivan asked and gestured to the paladins.

"Humans?" the blade asked; the paladins were surprised to hear the voice was so young.

"Hm. Why don't you go and meet them?" Kolivan asked, the smallest smile visible which he would only show to the kit.

The blade was hesitant, but after a reassuring nod from their leader they began to reveal themselves. First the hood came down revealing a pair of purple fluffy ears and jet black hair. The paladins saw how human looking it was; very different from the Galras. Then came the mask. The blade froze for a moment- as if deciding if they wanted to show themselves- but then looked down as he took it off. Now free from the mask, very faint purple and fur-less skin was visible alongside a small purple streak on their cheek. When they looked up the paladins shared faces of complete shock at the violet eyes that greeted them.

"You're human!" the green paladin shouted.

The blade looked surprised and a little worried so took a step back. Kolivan placed a hand comfortingly onto their shoulder before speaking to the paladins.

"This is Keith. He is half human and half galra. He's grown up with us since he was a child. He can tell you the rest if he wishes."

Shiro smiled kindly before walking over to the boy and holding out a hand; Keith looked at it with a frown before looking back up at Kolivan for confirmation.

"Hello, my name is Shiro and I'm the black paladin of Voltron. Nice to meet you."

"Hi." Keith replied, shaking the hand after receiving a nod from Kolivan. 

"Want to meet everyone else?" Shiro asked, looking at Kolivan for permission.

"He can go." Kolivan said and gave a gentle push on Keith's shoulder who looked freaked out at the change of plans.

Keith was quiet as the Blade, Allura and Coran went into the Blade's ship for an alliance meeting whilst he followed behind Shiro to the other paladins.

"Hi! I'm Pidge and I pilot the green lion! I can't believe you're part human. I thought we were the only ones!" the green paladin greeted excitedly.

"Hi, nice to meet you too." Keith said but it sounded more like a question as he looked with a raised brow at the paladin's crazy energy.

"Pidge is a tech genius, she can hack into anything." Shiro explained and gave a warm smile to the girl.

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