Dual Wielding

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Keith had been contemplating the idea for a while now. He knew it was a difficult subject to master and there had been no recorded uses for centuries. Yet now, as he was sitting in his room with his marmora blade in one hand and his red bayard in the other, he knew he had to at least try. He wanted to.

He left his room and made his way to the training room, hoping it was empty. Luckily it was and he shrugged off his jacket before asking the level one simulation training to begin. He was already in the mid-twenties range but wanted to start off with a simple task for now. He unsheathed both blades and held them out in front of him horizontally, one in front of his hips and the other just above his head, and stood with legs apart and once further back.

He closed his eyes and in the moment that he waited for the simulation to start, he went over in his head all that he knew of dual-wielding. He knew the basic teaching was that the swords were not two different objects but extensions of each other. He knew it was about focusing on redirecting his energy and moving the blades as one.

The first bot came at him rather slow and he had time to think how to take it down. In a second he had blocked and shifted the sword that was aimed at him out of the way, turned and struck with his other blade. Turning on the spot effortessly, he once again directed both swords out and blocked and stabbed, sending the bot down.

"Start level two."

He took in a breath and felt his energy shift into one blade and then the other and back to him, the blades like extensions of his arms, natural and almost weightless in his hands. The bots attacked and he blocked both at once, pushing them back a step and then making a cross in the air with his swords, slashing straight through the machines. 

"Level three."

He smiled as he was getting the hang of it but not getting too ahead of himself. Again two bots attacked but now they were faster and swifter. Luckily, Keith was faster. He drove his bayard at one of the bots causing it to dodge to the right and collide with the other. He then swiped his marmora blade at the other bot's feet causing it to jump and Keith took this moment to slide under it and take the first bot out from under its feet before standing up and stabbing the second. 

This continued for a while until he had to stop at level 9. Using both swords had taken a toll on his strength and he knew he would have to practice a lot until he would improve. He did a few more levels using only a single blade before ending the training simulation and exiting the room to grab a shower before dinner. He washed and changed, reaching the table just as the food was being served.

"You look tired Keith." Shiro commented.

"Just doing some training." Keith replied.

"More tired than usual, like you've done twice the work."

"Nope, just didn't get enough sleep." Keith replied, not looking at Shiro and instead at his plate.

"You know, I've been wondering about your blades Keith." Allura began. 

"Why?" questioned Keith.

"You are very capable at both and have both swords with you at once. Should you have to choose one, which would it be?" she asked. "Using both would be a miraculous feat."

He kept quiet, pretending to be thinking over his answer, but his thoughts were not on that path. He knew that somehow they had seen him practising dual-wielding despite him checking for any people. He then remembered the cameras and how either Pidge or Allura liked to check them often. 

"It would be a great feat." he decided to say, avoiding the original question. "But not impossible."

"Of course."

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