Artist Keith

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The team had come upon a beautiful planet and decided to scope it out. They landed the castle and made their way off the platform and standing upon ground that looked almost exactly like golden sand except for the holographic jewels littered throughout it. They wandered through the small treeline before coming upon a beautiful lake with small rolling waves that glittered from the planet's sun. It looked like a small ocean and brought a smile to the paladin's faces. It really was an amazing view, a wonderful and calm sight in comparison to the harsh and dangerous battle scenarios.

"This is awesome!" exclaimed Lance, "I'm gonna go for a swim."

"Me too." added Pidge and Hunk. 

Shiro declined saying he didn't want to damage his arm and was to old for swimming- using the space dad card once again- and Keith said he'd rather watch. He made his way over to a small clump of boulders and- pulling off his jacket to sit down on- leaned against the largest rock and closed his eyes, letting the warm rays wash over him, calming his tense body. It was rare they had moments like this so wanted to make the most of it. Coran joined the trio on the water whilst Allura stayed on the sand to sunbathe. 

An hour or so passed until the heat grew stronger so he ended up discarding his shoes, socks and shirt, leaving his in only his trousers. Shiro had done the same except for leaving on a tank top. Kieth's eyes looked out upon all of the team- smiling at their happy and content faces absent of worry- and upon the lush greenery and cerulean waters.

He felt a wave of calm wash over him once again and this time he reached into his bag and pulled out a sketchbook and a single pencil. It was rather blunt so he sharpened it with a small rock and turned to a random empty page. Keith was a great artist but he hadn't told anyone about this little hobby. He'd only done a few drawings of things like the galaxy view from the observation deck, unusual or beautiful planets, different species and a few sketches of the team. He didn't have a lot of time to draw so he enjoyed it every time.

He placed the tip of the pencil against the paper and took one more glance at the scenery around him before beginning to make a few strokes on the page, the graphite spreading out in short brushed and wide strokes, merging and blending across the paper. Over time these lines became an excellent drawing of the planet and the team. Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Coran could be seen messing about and grinning in the water whilst the blue surface was dapples with the sunbeams causing a layer of crystals. Shiro and Allura were lying upon the sand and soaking in the sun, their postures relaxed and small smiles on their faces. The nature looked so alive and real- despite being black and white- it was incredible how Keith created such small details with a few strokes of the pencil. 

As the day passed and the heat grew even more, Keith placed the pad and pencil on one of the rocks for a moment as he went into the castle to get a drink and to change into shorts and got out a pair of shades.

Whilst he was gone, Shiro, who was intrigued as to what Keith had been doing the whole time, pushed himself off of the sand and made his way over to the boulder. He picked up the pad and turned it over before holding it up so it could be seen in the sunlight.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Look at this." Shiro spoke, gesturing the team to come over and take a look at Keith's masterpiece.

"Wow! Who knew Keith could draw!" shouted Pidge as he peered closer at the drawing. "Look at the detail."

"It's so realistic it's insane." Hunk commented.

"Why has he not shared this?" Lance questioned. "Is there more?" he asked.

"If there is it's none of our business-"

"Neither was this."

"And Keith will share it if he wants." Shiro continued.

Just at that moment Keith was making his way back through the halls and to the castle exit. The team resumed their locations and just in time too because at the exact moment Coran dived into the water, Keith walked out with his shades and shorts, his tones body on show. He replied with a nod when Shiro asked if he was cooler now and resumed his usual position. However, when he turned around to pick up the pad and pencil he saw they weren't in the position he left them in. 

He looked over to Shiro to see him whip his head around really fast, his white bangs hitting him in the eyes causing him to laugh a little. He frowned at the mysterious misplacement and turned the pad over; what he saw made him turn bright red. On the back of the paper were messages from all of the team saying things like:

"So awesome dude!"

"This is so cool."

"Love it!"

He looked up to find all of the team purposefully ignoring his gaze and he let a small smile grace his lips. They were nosy that was for sure but he was also glad that they liked his drawing and said he was actually a great artist. He picked up the pencil with a smile and returned it to the page, covering the page in art once more.

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