Getting Captured

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"We have no other options!"


"We'll figure something out!"


"Go! I'll be fine!"



Keith shouted into his helmet before discarding the broken item onto the rubble coated floor. He watched as Red flew away- badly damaged- into the wormhole. Keith turned away from the dismal sight and returned to the battle in front of him: at least thirty galra empire soldiers were ready to attack. He picked up his bayard and looked from left to right, analysing each soldier as he knew he had a slim shot of defeating them all. It didn't matter anyways because even if he did manage the feat he had no way of escaping, But, he would not go down without a fight.

He ran forwards and slashed his sword straight across a soldier's chest causing him to stumble into a few others. Keith turned and collided his sword with a dagger that was about to slash down on him; he pushed up and kicked the galra in the ribs, the force knocking them to the ground. He looked to his side and crouched down in time to feel a sword swipe in the air above him. He cut the soldier's knees and punched them on the side of the knee before getting back up and jumping over them.

On and on he fought until a sudden jolt of the ship sent him crashing down. His already aching arm landed twisted underneath him and he winced at the pain that erupted, a small crack reaching his ears. He pushed himself up onto his knees to return to battle but when he looked up he was met with a sword being held dangerously close to his throat. He leaned back onto his legs- instinctively moving away from the weapon- but felt a strong hand grab his hair and yank his head back, the sword close enough to cut.

Keith's eyes widened as he felt the sword move closer to his throat and break skin, warm blood trickling slowly down his neck. He gasped as his head was pulled even further back. Not soon enough, the sword retreated and his hair was released, letting him slouch forwards and take in heavy breaths. Then he shouted with surprise as a hand closed round the front of his throat and he was pulled up into a standing position. He looked up at his captor and was met with the malicious, gleaming eyes of Lotor who was looking at him like he was a prized trophy.

"Red Paladin, what a delight. I'm sure we'll get along perfectly." Lotor said slowly, watching as Keith tried and failed to escape his vice-like grip; his head becoming dazed from the lack of oxygen.

"Screw... you... Lotor..." gasped Keith through shaking breaths, his arms dropping to the floor as unconsciousness consumed him, his head dropping forwards with defeat.

"You'll wish you never said that." Lotor spoke with an evil grin.

/In the castle/

"The prisoners were all rescued and sent by the red lion to a nearby rebel base." Shiro said as the team assembled in the control room.

"And Keith?" Allura asked, frowning at the paladin's absence.

"He-" Shiro began but paused as the reality hit him, "he's still on the ship."

"How did this happen?" Coran asked as he went to a control panel, trying to track Keith.

"There was no chance of saving the prisoners due to the heavy amount of guards." said Shiro.

"So Keith fought them off as they got away." continued Pidge, watching the replay on her computer.

"He stayed behind to buy us some time to escape." said Lance.

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