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Keith was heading to Potions, his bag slung carelessly over his shoulder, his tie and top button loose and shirt partly untucked. He looked casual and cool as he walked down the stairs with that bored expression he always wore. On the way he bumped into Shiro who was coming from DADA and they continued the walk together.

"I hate potions." complained Keith.

"Doesn't everybody?" Shiro questioned.

Keith replied with a grin and a small laugh in agreement. Their professor was so dull and strict the hours felt like eternity in the cold and dark dungeon cell.

"Luckily it is only a single lesson." Shiro said.

"Yeah, double on Thursday sucks."

Their complaining lasted all the way to the classroom. Luckily for them, their professor was away on business- surprising since he was never absent from a class- so they were left with a list of ingredients and instructions on the blackboard for them to use. They were in their fifth year and were somehow trusted to be unsupervised in class by themselves. So, it was already confirmed something horrible would happen.

"Quiznak!" Keith heard a familiar voice shout from the other side of the room; he and Shiro walked over from the door to the large table where three students sat.

Pidge was their youngest and smallest friend. She was in Ravenclaw and a complete genius. She aced all exams and wasn't afraid to tell someone- teacher or student- If they were wrong. She was the best and she knew it and that's why they admired her so much.

Next to her in the same blue robes was Lance. Although he didn't act like it, always getting in trouble and messing up, he was actually very intelligent with the jokes aside. He would pass all of his exams but he was generally smart in regular things, knowing how to get through tough situations. Also, especially in the dullest lessons like potions, he was great to pass the time with.

And last but not least was Hunk the Hufflepuff. Hunk was the softest, nicest, kindest and sweetest guy anyone could ever meet. You wouldn't think it when looking at his giant stature but one look at his gentle smile and your heart melted. He was the glue that held them together and they could always count on him to put things in a positive light.

Keith and Shiro were both in Gryffindor. They were both strong and determined, loyal to those they considered friends or family. To Keith and Shiro however they were the same thing. They had met on the first day on the Hogwarts Express, both feeling a connection with the boy opposite them. They shared how they didn't really have families and vowed to stick by each other. Now they were like brothers. Keith would always help Shiro if he was in trouble and Shiro would stop Keith getting into too many fights for his hotheadedness. They both did fairly well in school- averaging at Acceptable or Exceeds Expectations- but both had a strong sense of right and wrong and doing the right thing, sometimes to the point of recklessness.

"What happened?" Keith asked as he slid onto a stool at the table, Shiro doing the same on his left.

"I stirred it clockwise instead of anti-clockwise!" Lance admitted, frowning as he tried to read the scrawled instructions on the other side of the room.

"The just stir it the same amount anti-clockwise. Then there won't be a difference." suggested Pidge.


Keith brought out all of the ingredients whilst Shiro set up the equipment. Keith read the instructions off the board but they doubled it so that they did both of their potions at the same time. In twenty minutes they both had a vial of a slimy green substance in front of them and chilled for the rest of the lesson. However, it must have been an off day, because the trio opposite them were still working and struggling.

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