Hidden Talents

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"You will not believe what I have!" Pidge shouted as they ran through the halls of the castle before bursting through the main doors with a massive grin.

"What?" Keith asked, knowing there was something up when Pidge smiled like that.

"I found it when I was searching through the old junk." she explained. "Don't look at me like that." she added when everyone looked at her weirdly.

"So, show us what you found." Shiro said.

"Right," Pidge nodded and sat down on the floor, pulling out a medium sized box from nowhere and a small remote, "I can't believe I found one of these. Alteans have technology similar to ours. I was thinking, since I have a phone that I've been able to charge- don't ask- I thought we could get some earth songs and have a go."

"What is it?" Lance asked, looking at the empty screen.

"A karaoke machine, or something close enough."

"No way!" Hunk exclaimed, sitting down by Pidge and inspecting the machine.

"Turn it on, turn it on. I love karaoke." Lance spoke, equally as excited.

Shiro and Keith shared looks before making their way over and standing above the group, looking down it curiosity. Neither of them had done much karaoke on earth, only around once at a party neither of them could remember. However, they both knew they didn't have much experience and could not sing, nor were they that confident with many pop songs.

"Once I've set it up and connected the devices we should be good to go. We can try it after dinner."

"Oh, this'll be fun!"

"I'm not the best singer but I'll give it a go."

"Shiro, Keith, you'll both have a go?" asked Pidge.

"Sure." they both said, sharing worried glances.

The rest of the day passed as unusual with a little bit of training and dinner before all of the team made their way to the leisure room and sitting down. Pidge made their way over to the machine and set it, connecting wires to the devices and the wall before pressing a red button on the remote causing the screen to come alive.

Pidge brought up a selection of earth songs and flicked through them, calling out a few ones they thought the team would like.

"I want it-"

"Yes! I'll do that one!" Lance shouted, standing up and making his way to the centre of the room, looking at the screen.

"Sorry we don't have a mic but these headsets are the same; they look like what people wear when performing on stage."


Lance looked at the screen and to all of their surprises, the words showed up clear and in time.

"It works." Pidge cheered.

Allura and Coran looked at the screen then at the paladins with confused faces so Keith, who was sitting closest to them, went over and explained what it was.

"Karaoke is when people sing songs they know to have fun. It's like being a singer yourself but it's just for fun at parties or on a night out."

"So you sing the song for fun?" Allura questioned.


"Sounds exciting, humans are so interesting. I will have a go at the karaoke." Coran said before standing up and walking over to Lance, picking up a headset and beginning to sing.

"You are my fire, the one desire, believe when I say, I want it that way..."

Lance looked over as he sang and laughed at the man as he tried to sing the words in a dramatic voice. He went along with it and showed some dance moves for the other to join in with. It was a sight to behold but both parties were having fun. By the time the song ended Coran was tired but Lance was hyped up, saying he hadn't had this much of a good time in ages.

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