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The Castle landed in an empty field a mile or so from the city they were visiting in the new planet. They had been travelling for a few weeks so they needed to stock up on supplies.

"Now, we don't want to draw too much attention. If anyone notices you are a paladin just say a few kind and motivational words then leave. Go and explore but be back here in five hours, okay?"

"Yes princess."

The paladins all got ready to go out, changing their appearance so they don't get spotted. Hunk took off his bandanna and wore a cap. Pidge too off her glasses and put on a black hoodie. Lance took off his jacket and exchanged it for a blue denim one with black jeans. Shiro put on a full sleeve length jacket and a cap to cover his hair. Keith put on a white short sleeve t-shirt with blue jeans and a black face mask.

"Wow, Keith, you look different." said Pidge.

"A good different." Lance added with a smile.

"They're the only not black clothes I own so..." Keith explained before shrugging and beginning to exit the castle; everyone soon followed.

"I almost don't recognise you without your glasses Pidge." said Lance whilst looking at the small person intensely. "Almost like you're another person."

"Haha, yeah, good one Lance." Pidge said and subconsciously went to push up her glasses, being shocked when they weren't there. It was such a natural thing to do it was weird.

They walked the distance and soon stood outside of the space mall, the large and futuristic looking building towering over them.

"It's huge!" Hunk exclaimed as he craned his neck back to try and see the top.

"Remember, don't draw attention to yourselves like last time." Shiro warned. "We're just having a browse whilst Coran gets supplies."

At his words, the paladins looked over in sync with frowns on their faces as they saw Coran walk through another entrance with a ridiculous pirate costume and a funny accent, sighing at his attempt to blend in.

"Let's go." said Keith.

Inside was incredible. There were at least ten floors that stretched far and wide. Each floor was full of aliens of different sizes, colours, species; there were so many of them it was a little disorientating.

"Where shall we go first?" Lance asked as he tried to read the sign ahead of them.

"Can you even read it?" asked Pidge.

"A little. I know these figures are numbers but I don't know which ones." he gradually grew quieter as he spoke, eventually looking down and moving to the side to let someone else read it.

"Floors one to four are your general stores. Five and six is their version of the food court and then seven to twelve is clothes and cosmetics."

They all looked at Keith who read the sign with ease, their faces in shock and awe.

"What? I picked up a few things." Keith said, folding his arms.

"Well it's a good thing you did as I've left my translator on the castle." said Pidge.

"I'm gonna head to the food court. See ya!" Hunk waved happily as he made his way over to the elevators.

"I'm heading up to the top."

"I'll come too."

Pidge and Lance made their way over to another elevator and began investigating all of their weird symbols and buttons inside the machine, wowing when it floated up by itself.

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