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"Out of the way! Move! Coming through! Stand back!"

A team of security officers clad in black uniforms formed a tight circle and were pushing their way through the crowd of paparazzi that had bombarded them the moment they stepped out of the black van. They grunted and heaved and shouted as they moved forwards and forced their way to the school. You would think that the people would know when to back off but they were like rabid pack animals competing to get a look in. 

Inside the circle was a male that was tall and toned, yet his identity was hidden by the tinted sunglasses and mask that he wore. He moved forwards with the circle and didn't take his eyes of the entrance doors ahead of him. He hated the paparazzi and even after posting on his socials many times that he wished they would respect his boundaries they still showed up wherever he went. 

He knew coming to America would definitely be a big deal and a major turning point in his career but he wished he could also lay low and have some time to himself as he thought not as many people knew him over here. Oh boy was he wrong. As soon as he entered the airport after coming off his flight he was surrounded by screaming fans and flashing cameras and crowds growing by the second. Luckily he had a private exit to his waiting vehicle so smiled and allowed a few photos to be taken before waving and walking hurriedly away.

His company kept the location of his hotel a secret and he had a few days of peace for him to relax and do light work whilst brushing up on his English. He knew the language but after doing world tours he could get a little mixed up. Several days later he moved to a small apartment in a private building where no-one could gain access unless they had the right information. It was unusual living by himself completely as in Korea he had an apartment building that also held his team. It was an exciting idea to be living by himself like a regular young adult; he couldn't remember the last time he could do something like a normal person. Even going out for coffee was a big deal with cameras and knowing fans everywhere.

So now here he was, just trying to get into the college for his first day of classes. Yet, to nobody's surprise, the paparazzi were waiting like wolves to devour every piece of him they could get. At last, he reached the doors and pushed through the entrance doors, walking forwards several steps then stopping to catch his breath and take a glance at the crowd. Once his security guards had all made it safely as well they walked through the building with the help of an employee and entered the Dean's office.

On the way he received several confused looks, all of them were intrigued as to who he was and why there were crazy reporters outside desperate to see him. He ignored them and kept his head head down, pulling up his mask more to completely cover his face. Only his signature mullet was visible and it was styled very well today if he did say so himself.

"Ah, the K-POP sensation Akira has arrived. I'm sorry about the reporters at the door, we did our best to stop them." the Dead said as they shook hands and sat down.

"It's alright. If they want something they will stop at nothing to get it."

"Right, let's get to it. You have living accommodation sorted?"


"Good, and your classes are English, sociology and performing arts, yes?"


"Okay, here is your timetable. Unfortunately, your first class has already started so you will be a little late. But I will make sure your attendance does not go down for the situation was quite impossible."


"Here is the map of the college and here is the numbers of your classrooms. I hope you enjoy your time here."

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