| 8 | - Hershel's Farm

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It's nighttime as you arrive at the farm with Glenn, T-Dog, and Clementine. You have your handgun holstered at your side but keep your hand above it. Glenn holds his shotgun and Clementine has her pistol out.

Glenn: So do we ring the bell or....?

T-Dog: We're past that, being considerate and all.

The four of you walk up the stairs where you see a woman sitting on the porch.

???: Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?

Glenn: Uh, hi. Yes....we closed it.

T-Dog: Look, we're here to help. If you need anything.

She notices the cut on his arm.

You: It's not a bite, ma'am. He cut himself pretty badly.

???: We'll take a look at it. Come on in.

The four of you follow the lady into the house, where in the next room you see Carl on a bed being treated by an older man. Rick and Lori sit beside the bed.

Glenn: Hey.

Rick looks up.

Rick: Hey.

You: We're here. Okay?

Lori: Thank you.

Clementine: Whatever you need.

They both nod, as you leave the room.


Patricia and Maggie continued treating T-Dog's injury as he groaned in pain.

Patricia: You got here right on time. Whoever this Merle Dixon is saved your life with the Doxycycline. Is he a friend?

Clementine: No, ma'am. He's no longer with us. His brother gave us the antibiotics.

T-Dog continued to squirm.

You: Come on, dawg. I know this ain't going to be the one thing that makes you cry.

He lets out a weak chuckle.

T-Dog: Fuck you.

You get up from your seat and look at Maggie.

You: Mind if I sit in the living room?

Maggie: No, go ahead.

You give a nod, and go over to the sofa. You sit on it, and Clementine follows and sits on the seat across from you.

Clementine: This is a nice place isn't it?

You look around the room.

You: Land looks untouched. I almost can't believe it.

You then start rubbing your head, and putting your face into your hands.

Clementine: You okay?

You: It's Carl....and Sophia....everything. Feels like yesterday we were eating fish fry around a campfire.

You chuckle as you remember the lover's quarrel joke Shane said about you and Clementine.

Clementine: Oh yeah, Jim knocked you across the face with a shovel that day.

You: You were scared, don't deny it. You ran over like 'omg! omg!'.

Clementine: I do not sound like that.

The two of you continue to laugh as Shane runs in the house carrying bags. Patricia, Maggie, Hershel, and Rick run up to him.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now