| 49 | - Worth

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Bobby felt as if he couldn't make it fast enough back to the Oasis. So, he stopped by an abandoned hair salon. Russell and Clementine helped carry Rebecca's body into the building with Bobby and Vince following.

Vince: Mind cutting off these restraints?

Bobby didn't hesitate, and unsheathed his knife to do so. Vince was now free, and able to do his thing.

Clementine: So what now?!

Vince: She's gone. All we can do is cut her open, and take the baby out.

Russell: I'll grab blankets. To keep the baby warm.

Russell ran back to the truck. Bobby handed Vince his knife, and he gladly accepted it.

Vince carefully cut into Rebecca's stomach, using his medical knowledge and expertise to know where to incise without hurting the baby.

Clementine watched, wanting to be there in case Vince needed assistance. Bobby went to the corner of the room, not wanting to see the bloody mess.

Russell had just entered the room with blankets as Vince was starting to take the baby out. Thankfully, it was crying.

Clementine: Oh my god...

Vince took the baby out, and Clementine helped cut the umbilical cord. Vince looked at Clementine.

Vince: It's a boy.

The four of them wanted to celebrate, but the fact that Rebecca was still dead made it hard. Nonetheless, Clementine helped wrap the baby up in a blanket, and carried him.

She knew the name he was going to have. She knew for sure what it was going to be.

Clementine: Alvin Jr. AJ. Like Rebecca would've wanted.


You woke up, and it was dawn. You have been knocked out for several hours since the ambush.

A pounding at the window startled you. You look, and see that it's one of the reanimated Saviors. You fling open the door, sending him back. You exit the truck, and unsheathe your knife.


You stab the walker in the head, and let him drop to the floor. You groan a bit, from the wound on your side.

You look around, and see the bodies of Saviors and your Oasis soldiers. Some have been chewed up already from walkers, and the ones not there have probably stumbled away into the woods.

You clench the handle of your knife harder, and wipe your brow. Once again, the Saviors angered you. You lost good men, and you felt the ambush was a cowardly act by the Saviors.

You then remember Rebecca. You hope the c-section went well and that the baby was fine.

But what if it wasn't? What if the baby didn't make it? Those are the thoughts that went through your head.

Another reason to hate the Saviors. Another reason to hate Negan.

You went back to the truck, and entered the driver's seat. The Hilltop was close by, and you were going to deliver the supplies they needed. Even if it was only the ones in the truck you were in.

Maybe they can come back for the rest.


A doctor continued patching you up as you sat near the trailer. Maggie was talking with you.

Maggie: They killed one of ours too. That asshole Simon stopped us on the road.

You: Have you heard from Rick? Or anybody else?

Maggie: No. But I wouldn't be surprised if the Saviors hit Alexandria too.

The doctor finished bandaging you, and you quickly stood up after.

Maggie: Where are you going?

You: Back to the Oasis...maybe even get the stuff from the trucks back here.

Maggie: You just had an arrow shot into your side not that long ago. You need to take it easy.

You sighed.

You: Nowadays, I can't take it easy...not until we win this fight.

Moments after, a Hilltop guard walked up to the both of you.

Guard: People from Alexandria are here.

Maggie: Let them in.

You followed Maggie to the front gates. Carol and Enid also followed to greet them.

The gates opened, and you saw Daryl carrying Judith. Tara and Rosita were also with him leading a group of Alexandrians inside.

Daryl gave us a look, as if he knew you were wondering where Rick, Michonne, and Carl were. He shook his head.

Daryl: Carl...

You didn't even need to hear the rest of the statement. You knew exactly what he meant. Enid began to cry. You, Maggie, and Carol were stunned.

You: They attacked didn't they? Did they kill Carl?

You were practically grinding your teeth as you asked the question.

Daryl: No. He was bit, while he helping a stranger.

Daryl looked back at a man behind him, named Siddiq. He was the man Carl risked his life helping.

You looked at Judith.

You: May I?

Daryl nodded, and gave her to you. You hugged Judith and began carrying her.

Daryl: Clem ain't with you?

You: She's back at the Oasis. I hope. We got ambushed on the way here.

Judith began playing with your hair, and you smiled. Despite the things transpiring now, she was one of the things that made it worth it.


Rick and Michonne arrived some time after the Alexandrians. You were with Judith by the gate when you met up with him.

The two of you gave simple nods to one another, as Rick began carrying Judith. He gave her a kiss, and embraced her. You knew the pain he was feeling.

Despite the silence, you decided to speak.

You: I'm sorry about Carl.

He kept on looking at Judith as he replied.

Rick: This fight...we will win it for him.

You looked at Michonne, who was walking up to you. She went through an assortment of letters, and handed two to you.

You looked at them. They had you and Clementine's names on them.

Michonne: They're from Carl. He wrote to some people.

You tried to hold back tears, as you nodded.

You: Thank you.

Carl wrote letters to the people close to him. To Rick, to Michonne, to Enid, to Maggie, and so on. He even wrote one to Negan.

It was Carl's dream to find a way to make peace with the Saviors. He told his father that. He didn't want them all to die, since that would be the easy way out. He wanted to live in unity with them. Although it would be a harder path, it'd be the most satisfying.

Carl imagined how to could be...

He had a vision of a possible future...

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now