| 19 | - Making The Calls

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It's been a few days since the Governor's first attack and Andrea's visit. Rick, Daryl, and Hershel went to a location to try and negotiate with the Governor. But, everybody knew that you were most likely going to have to fight.

You were loading weapons in the chow room and sorting out ammunition with everybody else.

You: Carl, stash these in the loading dock.

You hand him a box of bullets, then start giving some to Beth.

You: Beth, put more up on the catwalk.

Clementine: If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo.

Glenn: I'll go work on the cage outside.

Merle: What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now.

Glenn: Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?

Merle: Yeah, I am.

Michonne: We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put.

Merle: I've changed my mind, sweetheart. Standing here on the sidelines while my brother is out there, it ain't sitting right with me.

Glenn starts to explain how a thousand things can go wrong if we go with that plan. Merle responds by saying that things are going to go wrong regardless.

Carl: My dad can take care of himself.

Merle: I'm sorry, son. But your dad's head could be on a pike real soon.

Carl just walks away.

You: Don't say that to him.

Merle just shrugs.

Clementine: It's not the right move. Not now.

You: Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final.

You give one last look at Clementine, who gives a nod of agreement. You then walk out of the room.


You walk back into the chow room with Glenn, and see Merle packing a bag with some guns.

Glenn: Hey, you're not going.

Merle: Don't need your permission.

You walk down the steps.

You: We won't let you.

Merle: You can't stop me.

Merle walks up the steps, but Glenn stands in his way.

Glenn: I'm not gonna let you put them in danger.

Merle: Nut up already, boy. This guy cops a feel of your woman and you pussy out like this? Get out of my way.

Glenn: No.

Merle stares at Glenn, then starts to push him. Glenn tackles Merle down the steps. Merle pins Glenn down and has his hand-blade at his face.

Maggie: Get off!

She gets on top of Merle and starts to wrap her arms around his neck. You get behind Merle and grab his arm, keeping the blade away from Glenn.

Beth then shoots a shot into the ceiling, getting everybody's attention. Glenn shoves Merle off of himself. You and Maggie are still holding onto him.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now