| 28 | - Boiling Point

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It's been a week since you've arrived at the Oasis. Everyday since you've came you had to train. Luke always took the time to go out of his way to train you and Louis personally, even when Troy would disagree.

Luke lost one of his close friends, Nick, during the scouting mission he told you about a week ago. You noticed Luke beginning to whisper at other soldiers during training and chow time, as if he was planning something....

On the other hand, Clementine was getting to know more of the citizens. She even met this other couple named Rebecca and Alvin. Rebecca was pregnant.

Clementine worked mostly handling supplies with Rebecca at the conference center. Carver was always there, and Clementine noticed how soft spoken Carver would be with Rebecca, as if he had feelings for her.

Maybe they did have a thing....

As Clementine continued to work, Troy came over.

Troy: Something has come up. We need to talk.

Clementine: Can't you just tell me here?

Troy: Do you want me to call Carver? Move it.

Clementine shook her head, and followed Troy upstairs into an office. It was Troy's office.

Troy: We might need to shuffle your shift, probably towards the night.

Clementine: Why? The day shift is perfect.

Clementine preferred the day shift because she can finish by the afternoon and be with you. If she took the night shift, she would be working while you were already finished with training.

Troy: Well, now you're the night shift. Deal with it.

Clementine shook her head.

Clementine: Fine. Asshole.

She muttered the last word as she got up from her seat.

Troy: Or....we can work something out.

Clementine looked back and scoffed. She knew what he was leading to.

Clementine: Fuck off. Save it for somebody who's actually desperate.

Before she can leave, Troy ran up and put his arm at the door, shutting it.

Troy: Desperate, huh? Those are the times, ain't it?

He started getting closer to her.

Clementine pushed him away.

Clementine: Don't get near me.

Troy didn't listen, and started bringing his hand up her leg. Clementine slapped him across the face.

Troy laughed, and backhanded Clementine.

Troy: Remember who you're talking—

Clementine quickly grabbed a pen from his desk and stabbed it into his cheek. Troy fell back against the wall.

Troy: Argh!

Clementine took that time to race out of the room. Troy stood there, bleeding from his wound.

Troy: That bitch!


You were walking to the barracks. Training had finished some time ago. You were walking with Lee.

Lee: Everything went well?

You: Yeah. How about you? How's training going for you, old man?

Lee: Save it. I can kick your ass if we were to spat.

You chuckle, and the both of you enter the barracks. You go over to Clementine, and see her laying on the bed.

You: Hey, Clem.

You kiss her, and taste the salty wetness from her cheek. She was crying.

You: Babe, what's wrong? What happened?

Clementine didn't want to talk, but you kept asking.

You: You can tell me anything.

Clementine looked at you, her head laying against the pillow.

Clementine: Troy....he tried to....

You didn't even need to hear the rest of her statement. You knew.

And you weren't going to let it slide.


You were making your way to the training grounds near the airstrip. You knew that's where Troy would be at the moment. Louis was following you.

Louis: What are you going to do?

You: You'll see.

You made it to the hangar where Troy was talking to other soldiers. You saw the bandage on his cheek, you knew that was from when Clementine protected herself.

Troy saw you walking to him.

Troy: L/N. You're training was over hours ago—

You landed a hook across Troy's face, sending him back. Most of the young soldiers stood back and watched.

You: Why don't you face me you disgusting fuck. Come on!

Troy immediately recovered and swung at you. You countered his swing and bent his arm backwards, and pinned him to the wall. Troy head butted you with the back of his head, causing you to stumble back. Troy then turned around and tackled you.

Troy tried to land punches at your face, but you kept your arms up and blocked. You kneed his groin, causing him to fall over.

You got on top of him and began wailing haymakers at him. You kept on punching, harder than you did with Ed Peletier. You didn't see the face of your dad, an abuser....you simply saw the face of a rapist.

As Troy's face started bruising up, a soldier finally grabbed you.

You: Get off of me!

Another soldier came over and aimed his rifle at you.

???: Off, now!

You held back your fist as he cocked his gun, you look up and see the barrel of the rifle at your head. You decide to get up. You look around, and see Louis looking at you. Luke is beside him, with a straight face.

A soldier begins to handcuff you. Another one tends to Troy on the ground.

???: Take him to Carver. He'll know what to do with him.

The soldier nods, and walks off with you to the conference center.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now