| 18 | - The Onset of War

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Nearby, Carl and Beth began to run for cover. Bullets started hailing into the courtyard. Carol used Axel's body for cover.


You: Get down!

You and Clementine took cover behind some bleachers. You peeked out to shoot at the soldier on the tower.


You look over at Carl and Beth.

You: Get moving! I'll cover you!

Carl nods and the both of the run up to take cover behind a wall.

Maggie: Beth!

Maggie ran out into the courtyard to give Beth a rifle.

Clementine: Carol! Move! I got you!

Carol quickly got up from the ground and started running.


Clementine started shooting in the direction of the soldier.

There was a a ceasefire, until a truck started rushing down the road. It crashed through the gates, and stopped in the middle of the yard. Shortly after, the back of the truck opened and walkers began pouring out.

You: These motherfuckers brought walkers?!

The guy on the tower began shooting again, and you stayed behind cover.

Maggie notices her father, Hershel, in the yard shooting at the walkers.

Maggie: Daddy!

She gets out cover to move towards the fence.

Clementine: Maggie!

Clementine peeks out of cover to try and shoot the soldier on the tower.


Clementine gets hit on the shoulder.

Clementine: Argh!

You: Clem!

You aim your rifle at the soldier.


The soldier gets shot in the head, and falls dead.

The Governor gets into his vehicle and retreats, leaving you to deal with the walkers.

You run over to Clementine, and see her bleeding.

You: Jesus Christ.

Clementine: I'm fine. Let's go deal with those geeks.

You: You're fucking bleeding, let me take—

Clementine: No, just help me up. Now.

You nod, and grab her hand to help her up.

The both of you see that Glenn had driven back and helped Michonne and Hershel into his car.

You also see Daryl and Merle with Rick running to the gates.

The walkers were being dealt with, and it was time to recover from the Governor's first attack.


The group was back inside the prison. Rick seemed to be as level headed as he can be.

Rick: We're not leaving.

Hershel: We can't stay here.

Maggie: What if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds.

Into The Fray | TWD (Male Reader x Clementine) Where stories live. Discover now