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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"If fate is what pulled us together then so be it . . . I never knew that one day I'd hate to be apart from you."
— BisexualCricket, In Her Poetry Journal

Izuku's stomach did flips and cartwheels as Bakugou's car approached the university's campus, pulling into the parking lot painstakingly slow. He wasn't entirely positive on what he was feeling at the moment, a sea of emotions poured into his very existence as the familiar purr of the tires smeared the pavement below. His stomach continued to host a gymnastics contest in the dark depths of his body as the blond male pulled into a parking spot, the younger looking out the window at all the bustling students walking in and out of the main building.

Damn it, why did he agree to this?

Naturally, he had anticipated this sort of feeling to be sprung on him upon their arrival, however, he hadn't expected the feeling to be this strong. The feeling of goosebumps pricking his delicate flesh as students whizzed past the car and on the pavement of the sidewalk. His hands reverberating in an overwrought fright at the mere thought of being that close to strangers, hundreds of them. Heartbeat leaping wildly and pulsing, a large influx of blood spreading across all open parts of his flesh like vines across the skin. God damn, the ringing in his ears.

A myriad of possible outcomes from this swarmed his brain to no end, only further pushing the doubt down the depths of his throat. What someone accidentally bumped him, sending him spiraling down into his own dark torturous mindset — with nobody there to help him. Humans are naturally drawn to touch, whether that be good or bad, it couldn't be helped; someone was bound to touch him at some point. The mere thought made his skin crawl.

To touch was to rip someone's own self-dignity and pride down the drain. Robbing somebody of ownership over something that was rightfully theirs, to begin with, taking for their own personal needs.

To touch was painful and a sin; the simple contact of another's flesh against your own was like rippling fires being spread throughout your nervous system.

A warm hand placed over Izuku's as he stared out the window, prompting him to jolt in his seat and stare wide-eyed at the owner of the hand. But that was only for a fraction of a second, for he had soon realized it was only Bakugou.

I'm safe.

"We can always go back, nerd," The elder offered, "The old hag won't mind, you know that."

"She already paid for the dorm, Kacchan . . . Besides, I want to graduate early so I can become an Ethical Hacker, right?" Izuku's voice was light, yet it appeared he was struggling to keep it that way.

"I don't give two shits about you graduating early, I care about you." Bakugou shot back, "You're like my baby brother,"

A smile lifted the corners of Izuku's lips, for that moment he forgot of all his troubles to come. "How sweet," he deadpanned, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Who knew the great Katsuki Bakugou could actually care for another human being — someone get this man a medal."

"Hah hah, very funny," Bakugou drawled, pulling the keys from the ignition and pocketing them safely. "Whenever you're ready." he murmured, motioning to the bustling campus before them.

The freckled male heaved a weighted sigh, the lump of doubt that once clogged his airways now slowly dissipating out into the atmosphere. A new sense of weightlessness washing over his small frame as he nodded his head, fingers curling tentatively around the steel handle of the door.

I'm safe.

 "Okay," With that single confirmation, the two exited the comforts of the car.

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