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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"As long as I have you, I can conquer the world. As long as I have you, I am me. As long as I have you, fears are never an issue. As long as I have you, I am breathing . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

It didn't take long for the four to construct a semi-plan for the time being, especially knowing that Monoma was listening.

Their conversation had been cut rather short after that. They briskly scurried out of the room and decided it would be best if they continued speaking about it later, at least until Shoto and Izuku could get situated on where they'd be staying for the night. For they knew sleeping in their dorm would be imprudent, not until they could guarantee that Monoma hadn't placed any other devices in the room he could use to spy on them. 

Izuku was surprised, however, not surprised just the same. He had spent three devastating long years with Monoma, he knew what the man was capable of—especially with the title and money he held beneath him. Whatever he wanted he got, no questions asked. So, having a bug planted in his dorm didn't completely startle him as it did the others. However, what had confounded him was the files he had recovered on his laptop. The very same files he could use as leverage against the male when the time came.

Years on top of years of scandals, lies, and his father cheating and blackmailing his way into fortune and fame in the oil business. In fact, most of them also had a prominent trail which led back to Monoma as well—who had abetted his father in a plethora of federal crimes. 

For what those documents held was enough to not only send him back to prison but enough to send his father to prison and have them lose their families company and fortune. Enough to ruin their reputation for good. Enough to make Monoma leave him alone if he knew what was best for him.

And, fuck, he couldn't wait to use it.

"You've been oddly quiet, my love." Shoto commented as they drove down the busy main road. They had settled on staying at the apartment for a little while, only until they had everything put together in order to set their semi-plan into full motion. Carrying it out to its fullest potential.

"I'm always oddly quiet," Izuku grinned back at him, scrunching up his nose in a child-like demeanor. 

Turquoise and gray eyes flashed over towards where Izuku sat in the front seat, penetrating into the thick film he veiled over his face in attempts to shroud his true feelings. He couldn't hide those from Shoto no matter how hard he tried.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly, despite his won anger towards the blue-eyed blond who couldn't seem to leave them alone.

"I will be," Izuku affirmed with a sharp nod, more to himself than to Shoto. "Once that bastard is away for good."

And this was true, once he knew for certain—that his tormentor, abuser, the very reason for his downward spiral over the past few years—for certain he was gone . . . Izuku knew without a doubt he could finally be able to release that small hole within him that refused to be filled. He knew without a doubt he'd be completely and utterly okay. But he had to do this first, for the first time in five years he would have to stick up for himself.

So, instead of allowing the weak subconscious part of his mind to allow his to wallow in the deep depths of fears—with no hope of a lifeboat ever coming to save him—he honed on the blistering rage from before. Cautious not to let it consume him, but enough so he could control it, wield and bend it to his every desire. He enabled said rage to construct into fuel, igniting his senes, notions, limbs, mind, and soul.

He was ready.

"I think I have a plan," Izuku announced once they were in the safety of the apartment. "But you might not like it."

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