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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"Words, a simple concept I drowned in time and time again. Heartache, a weighted feeling suppressing my heart. Your love, a simple concept I relished in time and time again. Your patience, a weight gently lifted from my once suppressed heart . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

Shoto's mind was a restless, convolution, labyrinth of thoughts that night. His mind trying to process every bit down piece by piece, taking his time to unerringly digest the events of the previous day. 

He hadn't left Izuku's side once after that, aside from the joking mood they ended on, he could still see the clear struggle the younger was going through. The soft whimpers that would abscond his lips every now and then, how his fingers would twitch and interlace with one another, small hitches in his breathing. Shoto had a dreadful fear he would a lot worse if someone weren't there with him, reassuring him he was not alone throughout this dark aura enshrouding him.

And Izuku was more than grateful for it.

The two ended up divulging in the warm comfort of not only one another, but the food Shoto had provided. Falling into yet another silence, only this time the atmosphere around them had converted. Instead of suffering, suffocating, and suppressing; it was solace-filled, sweet, and supporting. The sensation had felt so unorthodox to them both, sending oscillates of fortification and compassion through their veins. However, it was something they would have to grow accustomed to — for the weight of their companionship-longing proved to be far too strong a bond to break at the moment.

Izuku had been onto something when he mentioned them being 'quite the pair'. The two were still getting to know each other, yet knew enough about one another than anyone else did in a lifetime. They were the missing pieces of the same puzzle, fitting together so superlatively it almost seemed surreal. And they didn't even know it yet.

Still craving for warmth and comfort, Izuku ended up falling asleep on the elder that night — his head nestled into Shoto's lap while his body stretched across the mattress. Shoto could have easily moved him if he wanted to, go crawling back into the comforts of his own bed but . . . He couldn't bear it. When he looked at Izuku, not only did he see a second chance he also saw Shinsou; whether that was a good or bad thing, he wasn't sure.

However, he had made a silent and unspoken vow to himself, sitting there at three in the morning whilst a sleeping Izuku laid on him: Shoto would always be there for him. Seeing as though the proper steps to grieving had been easily evaded by him, he opted for helping Izuku instead . . . Hoping that'd give him some closure on at least one death. Nevertheless, a chance at redeeming past mistakes was not the only reason for Shoto taking this task upon himself. No, in a sense he related to Izuku in terms of lacking support.

As much as Shoto detested admitting it out loud, he too knew what it was like to have the dark shadows of sorrow, trauma, and possibly guilt shroud him like a thick veil. Shoto understood the feeling of wanting the past to stay where it belonged, only to lose the battle in spite of many brave attempts. 

Nobody deserved to feel that way, especially Izuku.

After about an hour or so the younger began to stir in his sleep, a string of incoherent noises and sounds slipping past the rosy peaks of his lips. His frame was barely visible in the dark room, making it unclear to Shoto on whether or not he had awoken. However, after a few more minutes, the silence that ghosted the dorm room had been filled with the younger's groggy yet elfin voice.

"Why didn't you just move me and sleep on your own bed?"

"Because I'm a nice person who didn't want to wake you up," Shoto responded softly, still making no effort to move. "You should be grateful I didn't wake you, though. You fell asleep at like six yesterday,"

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