Arc Two Prologue

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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

It was the love that came first.

The young boy couldn't seem to get enough of it, love, acceptance, and comfort veiled across him in a sleek sheen — dipping into every crevice of his body, mind, and soul. And if the boy were being frank, he had never felt more euphoric . . . especially considering the circumstances. Everything had been thrown at him so sudden, it was a forbidden love almost, one society often looked down upon; but being enclosed in the strong arms of someone who claimed to love him was enough.

And it was enough.

Until it wasn't.

Love was a concept the young male had not fully grasped back then, he was not aware of the do's and don'ts on the entire notion. However, reflecting back on it . . . he had a strong and overwhelming feeling what he once had was not love. No, it was far from it. 

If you were in love, you did not harbor any fear towards your loved one. You did not constantly calculate each and every move, thought, and decision you make out of anxiety and fear of any and all consequences. Being in love did not mean having to put up with the harsh slaps of your lovers' words . . . Or the harsh slaps being painted across your cheeks.

But that was all the young boy had ever known.

That was all he was used to at this point.

His mind, body, and soul had been drained of any purity and hope. Every part of him ached and throbbed for a multitude of reasons . . . reasons he would rather not discuss with anyone. God, if this is what love was like then he never wanted it again. At least that's what he used to think.

The young male's problems always used to consist of the same things over and over again for the past few years:

How will he make it through the day?

When would his pain and suffering end?

Why him?

His problem now?

Who the fuck is his soulmate?

Hello Cricket Cultists!!

Ten more days until the first official chapter of arc two!!

Are we ready?

Grab a new box of tissues, some teddy bears, or teddy demons (I don't judge). Get ready for some angst, fluff, yes you read that right FLUFF. Fucking FLUFF AFTER AN ENTERNITY OF ANGST.

Let's get it!

Until we meet again!!!

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