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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"When past comes to present, his first instinct is to run. Yet never did he believe, someone would run with him . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

"Awe shit . . . Of course, we have no fucking gas left,"

It was nearing midnight by now, the sky an endless abyss of pitch black with no indication of moonlight shining through. The bitter air proved to be stronger than the once warm clothes adorning Izuku's body as he shivered, teeth grazing his chapped lower lip every now and then as he wrapped his arms around his waist. 

After drying off by the fire, Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero had suggested they finally head back to the dorms — not wanting to be out too late then they already were. Yet seeing as though Bakugou was the only one with a car they had all planned to catch a ride back with him . . . until this — 

"Why didn't you fill up the gas tank, dumbass?!" Kirishima scoffed, raking his fingers through his hair. "Now what the hell are we supposed to do?"

"The tank wouldn't have been low if Sero—" Bakugou's gaze shifted over towards a wide-eyed Sero, "— filled it up when he went to get the fucking pizza!"

Shoto heaved an exhausted sigh as calloused, slim fingers rubbed his temples. The group, aside from he and Izuku, had been at a constant back and forth over who's fault it was as well as what their next move would be. They were stuck in the parking lot a few hundred yards away from the beach with no gas in the car; and if they made the illogical decision to walk back to campus they'd probably pass out before they all made it there. Leaving them with two options — one of which Shoto was still deliberating on sharing with the others. Either they could make they few minutes walk downtown and call somebody at a payphone, or walk to Shoto's apartment.

Damn it. 

"You keep biting your lip and harder and it'll bleed," Izuku muttered, snapping the duel-haired man from his thoughts. "We already have enough problems to deal with tonight."

Over the course of the past few hours Shoto had become more aware of the shift in Izuku's behavior, he still didn't know what to make out of it . . . but it couldn't have been good. If he weren't already placing himself as far away from the others as possible before, Izuku sure as hell was doing it now. To Shoto, anxiety was clear as day on his features, yet he played it off as being annoyed. Interesting. If Shoto remembered correctly, the proper term for what the freckled male was doing is called masking, though he wasn't very good at it. 

However, this was neither the time nor place to be making phycological notes on the male . . . No, he'd save that for later.

"We can always go to my apartment," Shoto announced, "It's big enough to fit all of us and it's downtown . . . probably a ten or fifteen-minute walk from here. We can figure out what to do with the car in the morning."

Ashido was the first to respond, her hands placed firmly on her hips with an open mouth of shock. This was the first she — hell all of them — were hearing about an apartment, as far as they were concerned he lived in the dorms like the rest of them. 

"Since when do you have an apartment?" she scoffed, arching one pink eyebrow as they all awaited an answer.

Shoto did a roll of his eyes at the question, simply patting her on the shoulder as he made his way down the deserted parking lot. "Since always. Now are you guys coming or not?" he called out over his shoulder.

It wasn't like they all didn't know about Shoto's . . . perplexing past — because they did — it's just they don't know all of it. He purposefully left out as much as he could when he first met them, which didn't seem like much because of all the documentation of him circling the internet. Yet he still tried, and so far it seemed to be working, but if they entered the place he lived in . . . he was sure more information about him was bound to be discovered by one of them there. And that terrified him.

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