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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"I've slipped, I'm falling, I've fallen. Now I'm drowning in the scintillating pools of your love . . . How funny . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

. . .

It had only been a few seconds, but Izuku knew for a fact he'd never get tired of kissing Shoto Todoroki.   

Izuku's heart thudded like a wild beast restrained in a cage, however, he did not feel that same restraint as his main organ did. No, his entire body—aside from his heart—had never felt more alive. It was as if he were floating, every worry, doubt, fear, slice of anxiety that had ever touched him evanesced and thus never troubling him again. 

Not only did he feel alive, but he was rejuvenated, intoxicated by every and all things Shoto. Shoto's breath mixed and swirled with his own, stealing and giving back to the younger in the process. Shoto's warm lips were like a drug, something Izuku would never get enough of—pushing and pulling at his own mouth with such need, care, and desire. It nearly made the younger pass out from the sensation.

How could he have ever survived before, without the feeling of Shoto Todoroki's lips?

How did he ever make it through the day without his warm touch?

While Izuku found himself getting lost, Shoto found himself craving more and more by the second. Izuku's lips were molten lava against the elder's and fuck—he was melting, liquifying, desiderating. They were softer than he had initially imagined, full, and plump in just the right areas as they mingled perfectly with his own. 

Shoto had one million things to say at that moment, but he couldn't bring himself to pull away. So, he allowed his mouth to say the words for him—hoping Izuku would get the message. He pressed firmly against the younger's upper lip, I've waited so long for you. His teeth softly nipped Izuku's lower lip, I need you. And cold as ice, his tongue traced the inside of Izuku's mouth, I love you.

Finally, they pulled apart.

Izuku's large, iridescent, green eyes were wild and wide with disorientation—much to Shoto's amusement—his breathing erratic and face flushed. 

"Apologies," Shoto chuckled lowly, albeit his voice did not sound apologetic in the slightest. "Did I go overboard?"

"No . . . You're . . . f-fine," Izuku wheezed out, holding onto the elder's forearms for support in fear of staggering back and falling.

They stood there for a few moments, underneath the picturesque scenery of the cherry blossoms—all while Izuku so desperately tried to regulate his unsteady breathing. His mind was stocked to the brim with a myriad of emotions, thoughts. All of them twisted and jumbled, forming on a huge knot in the center of his brain—a knot only he could decipher as pure bliss.

He was . . . feeling things. New emotions he had thought he knew so well—until Shoto came along—in the past; only for him to discover he didn't know a thing about them. Little by little Shoto was unearthing little keys to the locks he barricaded his mind with, unlocking them as time went on. Before? That would have terrified him. Now? As much as Izuku says or thinks it, he would never be able to thank the elder enough.

Especially for that kiss.

Nobody had ever done that for Izuku before . . . kissed him as if they cared for him as if they wanted him. So tentatively yet hunger and passion-driven all at once. Shoto was giving him a choice.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

Shoto's voice switched back to its usual monotone yet velvet-like voice as they continued on the path, walking hand-in-hand. It was that same voice that interrupted Izuku's thought process.

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