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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"Glass heart cowers before the monster known as my mind . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

"Now or never . . ."

The gray clouds above darkened as time went on, however, giving no indication of promised rain as the news predicted earlier that morning. Whatever form of sunlight lurked behind the dark mounds of water accumulation had soon left, being replaced by a definite moon — just as the sun, it too was barely visible. Luckily for them all, Sero had assumed they'd all be there awhile which is why he had brought the necessary items to start a small fire.   

Izuku remained stone-faced as everyone talked to one another; aside from the nudges and smiles he received from his brother — he got little to no attention. Which, in all honesty, was more than good . . . Hell, it was more than he had anticipated, in fact, Izuku had expected some type of acknowledgment — other than what Shoto had provided to him a few hours prior to the little sit-down with the others. From the minimal information he had gathered from Bakugou and Kirishima, they all seemed like the type to talk your ear off; especially if you were a neophyte to the group.

Unfortunately for Izuku, it appeared as though his mumbling habit had gotten the best of him yet again. For the labyrinth of his mind had soon been interrupted by a chipper voice drawing all attention towards him.

"Damn, I almost forgot about you Midoriya!" Ashido exclaimed, everyone's gaze flickering onto a muttering Izuku. "Sorry 'bout that,"

"To be fair—" Kaminari cut in with a clap of his hands, "— he's a pretty quiet dude."

There were soft murmurs of agreement scattered around the circle they had placed themselves in, still, nobody's stare on the green-haired male faltered. After a brief moment of Izuku gazing wide-eyed at the rest of them, Bakugou elbowed his side softly, bringing him back to reality.

"Yeah, I guess I am pretty quiet . . ." Izuku agreed, his voice low in a humming susurration.

"Awe, Bakubabe he's adorable!" The pink-haired girl giggled, piercing yellow eyes flashing back towards the freckled Izuku. "Where are my manners? I'm Ashido, though I'd hope Bakubabe already told you that," she said pointedly, glaring at the blond.

"I'm Kaminari,"

"Hanta. Hanta Sero,"

Shoto heaved a sigh as they introduced themselves, a soft tug on the corner of his mouth being brought to light. "Well, it would be pretty awkward if you didn't know who I was, huh?" he jested, earning a cut-off snort from Izuku.

A questioning look rose to the irises of Ashido's eyes as she cambered her head to the side. "You two already know each other?" she inquired.

"They're roommates," Bakugou cut-in, taking a sip from the cup in his hand.

There was an undeniably pointed silence that filled the air, sharp inhales and awkward whistles being blown out. Shoto's expression went slack and hardened, two-toned eyes iridescently glimmering in the slow flicker of the flames resting before him — his mind seemingly elsewhere. A flummoxed cast made itself known on the soft curves of Izuku's face, eyebrows pulling together and lower lip jutting out.

Yet he didn't have any time to press the matter further, for Kirishima's raspy voice soon filled the air.

"It's getting kind of late," he mused, scarlet orbs darting over to the wristwatch he sported.

"Awe c'mon Kiri . . . Since when have we really had this much time to hang out with each other?" Ashido pouted, "Besides we have tomorrow off from classes,"

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