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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"Sometimes I compare myself to my heart, 'the caged vital organ'. I thrash just as it beats, I thumb against my cages just as it presses my ribs . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

"Awe shit . . ."

Luminous scarlet lights flashed vibrantly throughout the once dreary alleyway, replacing the dead yellow light in the far left corner. Streaks of red danced across Izuku's face and over his widened emerald eyes, the deafening blare of a siren ringing through his ears. As if this night couldn't get any worse, it was nearly impossible to ignore the increasing shortage of his air supply — threatening an anxiety attack that was mere minutes away. The subtle hum of what felt like bees rattling his flesh to the touch, his feet instantly grounding themselves in preparation to run at any given moment.

Just as he was drawing nearer and nearer to the edge of his endless labyrinth of a mind, the sunk back into the warmth of his brother's arm — which had now wrapped around his arm.

Slowly backing up with Izuku still in his grasp, Bakugou swiftly looks to Shoto. "Where's your apartment at?" he asks, loud enough for the others to hear.

"On the corner of Main and 5th street," Shoto replied, "Why?"

However, Bakugou gave him no reply only a pointed look — which said everything the duel-haired male needed to know. They were going to run.

"When I say go, I want you to run with Todoroki," Bakugou whispered to Izuku, "It's best if we split up, and as much as I hate to fucking admit it he's a faster runner."

"Kacchan, no — !"

"The minute a police officer throws you into the back of a cruiser in cuffs you're going to have a panic attack . . . Go!" The blond shouted, prompting everyone to run in opposite directions.

There were two opening paths at the end of the alley on either side of each other, Sero, Kaminari, and Mina going left and Bakugou and Kirishima going right. Leaving Izuku and Shoto with two other options, running past the police cruiser in hopes they don't get caught or hopping the fence at the very end of the alley. Izuku didn't have time to think, hell to even breathe at this point, his fight or flight kicked in as he and Shoto both pivoted at the same time.

Shouts from the police officers were being thrown at them, yet Izuku couldn't be bothered to listen. It had been a while since he's felt like this . . . the overpowering need to run in fear of the outcome if he were to be caught. Fuck, he wanted so badly to run, his feet and body screamed at him as they usually did — begging him to let them take over. It was a natural instinct, the feeling of wanting to get the hell away from wherever he was only to be frozen in place.

To be paralyzed or trapped in his own body, like he had been so many times before.

Closing his eyes, Izuku waited for the cold grip of cuffs to secure his wrists, only to have to broad hand wrap around his arms and lift him upwards. Next thing he knew he and Todoroki were across the fence, the duel-haired male wasting no time in getting them out of there — his hand still secured around Izuku's arm. Yet Izuku couldn't be bothered to care about the slight tingling sensation erupting in his arm, no there'd be time for that later.

Soon enough they were out of the alley, sirens could be heard in the far distance only prompting the two to run faster. Izuku's heart was bursting in his ribcage, erupting like wildfire as patches of scarlet rose up to adorn his freckles — legs pounding into the earth beneath him. It was an odd type of feeling now, what had once been breath-stopping fear had soon turned into heart-pounding exhilaration. Maybe it was all the adrenaline, or because he wasn't doing this alone anymore.

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