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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"I. Love. You. Individually, the words have no meaning. Together, they are powerful . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

Izuku found himself getting lost in the breathtaking beauty known as Shoto Todoroki.

It was still rather late at night. The moon had stealthily crept through the thin, silky, fabric of the drapes and into the room—carving Shoto's face in its humble and unfretted glow. Unintelligible shapes danced across the elder man, painting the smooth canvas of his skin in shadows of all sorts; however, the blotches of black that clashed with the pale white of his flesh somehow only added onto that beauty Izuku found. His breathing was even, welcoming in the cool air from the vents overhead and exhaling the old. 

The younger had been unfortunately cursed with little to no sleep in the past few hours, unlike his soulmate. Fortunately, this gave him the time he so desperately needed to sort through a few topics that had been plaguing him lately. In a good way or a bad—he had yet to decide where to categorize them yet.

For starters, he had been contemplating on what to do in regards to his ex. To be rather frank, Izuku did not have the best of feelings when it came down to going back to the city; for he knew the minute they drove into the city lines he was nothing but a man with a target on his back. A dead man.

However, based on the exceptional amounts of progress he had made—both mentally and emotionally—he extrapolated that when the time came . . . he would be ready. For when he set forth to accomplish this endeavor he would not be doing it alone. He'd have Shoto.

Still, he could not help but conjecture how one would even go about doing such a task. The mere notion still managed to make the pits of his stomach twist and unfurl out of dread and trepidation. Nevertheless, Izuku had the most confidence that in the end, everything would work itself out nicely.

Because he had no clue what the hell he would do if it didn't.

Halcyon pools of emerald fluttered over towards the sleeping male beside him once more, a new twisting forming in the pit of his stomach. Unlike before, the feeling somehow conjured a brief flicker of a smile to twist onto Izuku's lips—lighting his features fleetingly only to dissipate as quickly as it had come. The pristine, brand-new, sensation had begun to make itself presentable within the past few days of their arrival at the farm. It perplexed him at first; he was not able to make an exact definition for the feeling, until recently.

It was attraction.

Sure, he had felt attraction towards Shoto for quite some time now. Except as opposed to how he felt weeks ago, there was a noticeable shift in how he felt—which had obfuscated the initial attraction entirely; making it nearly impossible for him to elucidate it. Abruptly, the once bland and banal emotion he felt had time and time again in the past had raw and potent. Eliciting a swirl of complimentary emotions he had never been given the proper time to grasp and comprehend.

Emotions like: desire, lust, love.

Fuck, Izuku knew without a doubt he was in love. He knew without a doubt he was floating in an endless sea of love, every wave and current that had pulled and pushed against him only adding onto that love. It was enticing and exhilarating, yet palm-sweating and fear-coating just the same. Never in a million years did he ever expect to find such a person—a person who managed to not only make him feel safe but make him feel loved. Then he met Shoto, and all those worries and doubts seemed to fade away.

A grimace licked the base of Izuku's lips as his thoughts drifted back to before . . . how he felt lust. The one emotion he had ruled out entirely for himself, lust, desire, and intimacy in any way shape, or form were not allowed. No, he had put the thickest of barriers up around those specific topics with good intentions of keeping them locked away for the rest of his life. For someone had stripped those away from him long ago, making him believe he would never get them back.

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