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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"Getting to know you is life's greatest gift to me . . ."
—BisexualCricket to her one-year-old brother when he was brought home

It was at times like these that Izuku admired Shoto the most. 

It had been a day since the duo had figured out they were soulmates and were able to talk a bit about where they stood relationship-wise. Twenty-four hours to get to know one another better, to be able to understand one another better. One-thousand-four-hundred-forty minutes of smiling, laughing, and goofing off—getting lost in the foreign atmosphere that shrouded them closely. Eighty-six-thousand-four-hundred seconds of swirling and flying in never-ending bliss . . . forgetting the worries they had left behind in the city.

They would need to discuss what happened back there, that much was evident; however, the two were in an unspoken agreement not to at the moment. For they wanted to prolong their happiness and euphoric sensations for as long as possible.

Shoto had taken Izuku on a proper tour of the five acres of land he owned; showing him the garden; the fields where a plethora of farm-grown foods rested; the barn; and finally, the cherry blossom trail. Where Shoto had been talking nonstop about every fond memory he had here—the most he's spoken since he and Izuku had first met.

An assortment of pink fluttered and swirled in the air amongst them, a few petals entangling themselves in the messy mop of emerald curls adorning Izuku's head. The younger stared in awe at the trees, listening to each word the flew off Shoto's mouth as they walked.

The elder had been recounting all the daring and idiotic tales of his time in the seventies and how different the farm was back then. 

Izuku did not dare fight off the smile that trickled onto his mouth as he listened attentively, adoring how the duel-haired male's eyes lit up as he recalled what life was like back then. And no matter how much Shoto insisted he could stop talking—predominantly out of worry that Izuku found his stories rather boring—Izuku always shot-back with a reassuring smile. He was absolutely enthralled at the elder's words, for he had always wondered what things were like back then.

"Damn, I wish you could have seen it . . ." Shoto murmured, speaking of the time he had visited Eiffel Tower a few years after it was first built. "It was so beautiful back then, so pristine and unmarred . . . Of course, it's still amazing now but—it was so much more back then, does that make sense?"

Izuku nodded wordlessly, trying his best to envision a newly built Eiffel Tower in his head. "I've always wanted to travel the world . . . You're so lucky to have experienced everything," he chuckled softly.

Leave it to Izuku to find the beauty in Shoto's former eternal flame of life . . . the very thing the elder felt he was cursed with. This little detail only added onto the list Shoto had constructed of reasons why he loved the boy—he found light and beauty in even the darkest of places or things, no matter what was happening around him.

"Maybe I'll take you some time," Shoto said, his offer holding nothing but truth in it.

"The Eiffel Tower?"

The elder snorted, tilting his head from side to side with his lips pursed up before speaking. "Not just the Eiffel Tower. I'll take you to see the world . . . Some day,"

"The world is a pretty big place, ya know?" Izuku teased, albeit a wide grin had spread itself onto his features yet again. "I shudder at the thought of how much trouble we might come across."

"Well, we were able to run away from cops, hope a fence, and make it to my apartment at twelve o'clock at night without so much as tripping and falling over . . . I'd say we'll be fine," Shoto countered with a playful wink. 

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