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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"What is wrong with loving the devil guiding me to hell? If heaven is filled with such hate, let me burn in the ashes of my love."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal 

The sounds of waves crashing against grime and seaweed covered rocks sounded off all around them, temporarily filling the void that resonated throughout Shoto's mind. It was grim as ever that day, as it was for the past few weeks — yet they still decided to come to the beach and hang out. Seagulls gave heartfelt, screeching caws to one another, circling overhead where the small group of friends sat. Luckily for Shoto, Ashido and Kaminari picked the grassy cliff beside the sand-filled beach to sit for the time being; the three waiting patiently for the others to arrive.

As the two held a whimsical discussion of their own Shoto occupied himself with picking at the prickly blades of grass beneath him. The tip of his index finger grazing the green plant as he reluctantly began to tune out the noise around him, opting for focusing on the grass alone. He hadn't heard it when four new pairs of footsteps crushed the sharp blades around him, or when new chatter filled the atmosphere. 

However, Shoto did notice when the never-ending space abutting him became inhabited. Curly tufts of green hair flowing and adorning the soft curves of Izuku's cheeks, as he too looked out over the gloomy horizon. There was still a decent amount of space between them, one Shoto had an odd feeling he shouldn't cross as the group behind them indulged in conversation.

"I didn't know you'd be here," Shoto commented idly, twirling a singular piece of grass around his ring finger. "But I guess I'm not that surprised . . . You and Bakugou are attached at the hip, yes?"

Izuku nearly looked startled by the duel-haired male's sudden words, yet nevertheless answering his question with a small nod. Keen, emerald eyes locked in on Shoto now with intensity and anticipation — as if he were willing to jump up and run at any given moment.

"Then you can imagine my confusion why you're up here with me rather than back there with everyone else." Shoto chuckled breathily, the soft susurration of his vocal cords humming highly detectable.

Green eyes widened as Izuku began the process of getting up. "Sorry, am I bothering you?" he queried, only to tense when slim, calloused fingers wrap into the fabric of his hoodie.

It wasn't precise physical contact, which was good in a sense, but it was close . . . too close. After a moment or so Izuku had regained his composure, a smooth and unreadable face slipping onto his features. I have to do this. That very same sentence had begun to play on loop as he stared back into the cold heterochromatic eyes before him, a deep influx of air circulating throughout his lungs.

"Sit," Shoto said quietly, eyes darting back to the vast bodies of water surrounding them. "I don't mind the company too much."

A smile nearly rose to Izuku's face at the elder's words, almost. It was predominantly due to the fact with the way Shoto had said it, his words were open for interpretation as if giving Izuku the option to decline and walk away . . . As if he were giving the freckled male a choice. Sure, ever since two years ago the Bakugou's and very few close family friends had done the same thing but — it almost felt nice having it come from a stranger. Comforting.

And for a while, it was rather quiet, in spite of the groups' loud chatter, and clashing of waves, the cawing of seagulls. The overpowering aroma of sea-salt toying with Shoto's and Izuku's nostrils, mixing with the fresh oxygen lingering around them. 

Shoto had meant what he said earlier, he didn't mind Izuku's company one bit. He found him rather peculiar, like a jigsaw puzzle, or unknown language kind of peculiar. It was odd because it was foreign to him, only drawing him in more and more with inquisitiveness. That's how he viewed the boy. If anything he saw a lot of his — dare I say it — younger self, in Izuku . . . about a century ago. In all his, two hundred years of living nobody had ever come close to igniting such curiosity within him . . . Well, one other person did but — 

"How old are you?" The elder finally queried, pulling his brow's together. 

". . . Eighteen," Izuku drawled, eyes narrowed and lips parted as he gaped at the man. "Why?"

"How long have you been eighteen?" Shoto pressed, shaking away the odd feeling that Izuku may just be nearly as old as he was.

A snort escaped the younger as he pulled his eyes back to the ocean. "What is this, Twilight?" he scoffed, "A few years now . . . How long have you been eighteen?"

Shoto's concentrated gaze softened for a fraction of a second, before a look of knowing surfaced in the two-toned pools of his eyes. "You don't know who I am do you?" he asked softly, almost sounding surprised.

"Should I?"

The two continued their staring, Izuku's arms instantly wrapping themselves around his middle chin tucked in between his knees as he never broke eye-contact. While Shoto's surveying grew harder by each passing second, as though he were searching for something . . . However, verisimilitude was as clear as day within the sharp eyes staring back at him — Izuku truly didn't know who he was.


"Well, I have to say I'm a bit nonplussed . . . Surely, I figured Bakugou would have told you he is friends with 'the boy who can't die'." Shoto intoned, watching as a brief flicker of realization crossed over Izuku's face.

The name was oddly familiar, most likely in an article he had read late at night when sleep was a foreign friend. However, the memory was far too distant to place any concrete evidence linking it to Shoto.

Seeming to sense Izuku's uncertainty, Shoto gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. "If you don't believe me look it up yourself," he sighed, leaning back on his hands while Izuku began the process of scrolling through the internet.

"Shit," Izuku mumbled once he found a particular article equipped with documentation and records of the male dating back as far as the early nineteen-hundreds and late eighteen-hundreds. "So you really haven't found your soulmate yet?"

"No," The duel-haired male affirmed, voice far-off and distant. "You haven't either," he commented idly, eyes flickering in Izuku's direction briefly.

"Come you two emo's, Sero brought pizza!" Ashido cheered, waving her hand frantically while the other reached for a slice.

A weighted sigh left the confinements of Izuku's lips as his eyes peeled behind them, he was delaying the inevitable by sitting here talking with Shoto. Alas, the time has come to face the infamous 'Bakusquad' whether he liked it not.

"Shall we?" Shoto mused, inclining his head over to the others with a rather bored expression.

"Now or never,"    

Hello Cricket Cultists!!

Okay, I'm back to my every-day updating . . . hopefully. 

I absolutely adored TodoDeku dialogue in this chapter, I know it may not seem like much but . . . If Y'all have been paying attention this is the longest they've ever talked. Progress. I can't wait for next chapter, because Bakusquad is about to be . . . ya know . . . hella amazing.

Oh yeah, the poem I wrote In the beginning. If you wanna know the inspiration behind it just comment and I can tell ya! Who knows, maybe at the end of this book I make a chapter with the all of my full-length poems I put in the beginnings!

More theories in general???

Until we meet again!!!

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