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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

"You're akin to a patch of roses. Beautiful to admire and worship, yet prickly to the touch. Kiss me fervently before I wallow in your thorns . . ."
—BisexualCricket, Poetry Journal

Shoto often envied the characters that were imprinted into the cliché stories he usually found himself reading — or rereading — in some cases. He had only divulged in such 'pleasures' whenever he was truly feeling bored; finding his daily tasks to be quite repetitive and tedious. The main character always some doe-eyed girl or boy, chasing after fruitless dreams and desires whilst wondering to themselves where it all went wrong. Usually, towards the end or in some cases the middle, they tend to realize the most intellectual and thought-out plan, dream, desire, or person had been right under their nose the entire time. Once this specific revelation is brought to life they usually have the whole, 'happily ever after' ending.

It was bullshit if you asked him.

Nearly every story he had ever read was built upon some author's juvenile belief that there was still good in the world, and that with a little push anyone can achieve their happy ending. It was somebody creating a false sense of hope. When you open the book, the words, phrases, and heart-felt sentence swirl in a picturesque mixture that everything would be okay. But as the pages went on, and his fingers grew raw from licking them to flip the next page, he could slowly feel the faux hope dwindling.

The weak flame constructed by the author flickering and inadvertently commencing the proper steps to die. And as the characters' lives grew happier and happier, the weight of his problems from the real world began to grow and make themselves known once again.

. . . At least that's what he used to think.

Rather than viewing the bovine characters who were too dense to realize what they had been yearning for was right in front of them, Shoto focused on the light around him. 

More specifically: Izuku. The boy who had so quickly become his world, his reason for getting up, his purpose for everything. He was no longer viewed as a do-over in his eyes, no longer a second chance at redemption, no, that was not it at all. Shoto thought so highly of the boy, admired him for his bravery, adored him for his sarcasm and love of mockery. To be frank, the elder male had once viewed him as a protector of some sorts for Izuku . . . however, that was no longer the case. Because in a way — they protected each other now, it had ceased to be just a one-sided job.

Now, Izuku did not protect him in the physical sense, for the boy was far too fragile body-wise. However, he did protect Shoto's sanity, the essence of his very soul, without even realizing it. Through the younger's compassion and kindness — he had slowly begun to savor the little pieces of whatever good Shoto had left in him . . . Good, that had been decaying for quite some time now.

It had been a few days since the group and Izuku had begun taking the class for Design and Programming the Web . . . Kaminari and Sero both currently hold D minuses. It wasn't that the class was difficult for the rest of them, it was predominantly due to the fact that it was boring — but Izuku had so quickly become their friend . . . And they would do anything for the boy. 

Surprisingly, the course was not as hard as Shoto anticipated it would be for him — in fact, it gave him and Izuku something more positive to bond over. Rather than their shared trauma. The two stayed up at all late hours of the night working on projects and homework together from that class, going to the library with one another to check out books relating to the topic they were learning about. Eventually, they had begun to crack jokes about Computer Science — now that Shoto actually understood them.

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