Prologue 1: Mystery Inc. wraps up The Case of The Menagerie Ghoul

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Outside one of the few houses on the island of Menagerie, it was dark and storming a little. A few bats fly by and after they all fly by, lightning strikes with a bright flash of light.

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where are You?

Now we see Scooby in a dimly lit hallway, gulping and his eyes go wide eyed as he turns and runs away from something. Once the thing steps into view, all we see is a mutated glob of a hand.

We've got some work to do now

Next, we join all of Mystery Inc. as they all walk by a modern style bookshelf. Once they walk past it, it slides out of the way of a secret room. 

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where are You?

A really grotesque looking monster looks out of the hidden room, revealing it was hunched back and nearly 5 and a half feet tall, it was some sort of mutant. This creature is called The Menagerie Ghoul. It steps out and follows the gang.

We need some help from you now

Now, we join Daphne in one of the halls of the house, thinking before walking away, dodging the hand of The Menagerie Ghoul. After that, we see Fred looking through a lightly torn book as he sat in a chair. However, the wall behind him slid open and he fell into the area behind it.

Come on, Scooby-Doo, I see you

We then see the gang all grouped up in a dimly lit passageway as The Menagerie Ghoul approaches them slowly. It roars loudly sending the gang running out of the passageway. Shaggy was riding Scooby's back the whole time.

Pretendin' you've got a sliver

Unluckily for Fred, Velma, and Daphne however, the ghoul decided to go after them.

But you're not fooling me, cause I can see

Fred grabbed his ascot and put it into it's electrical whip mode and latched it onto a nearby loose support bean and grabbed Daphne and Velma and swung forward, kicking The Menagerie Ghoul over.

The way you shake and shiver

Fred then set Velma ad Daphne down and ran.

You know we got a mystery to solve, so Scooby-Doo, get ready for your act

Fred, Velma, and Daphne soon had to run more from the Menagerie Ghoul. It seemed focused on getting the three, not really caring much about going after Scooby and Shaggy.

Don't hold back!

Fred, Velma, and Daphne ducked in and out of pots, narrowly avoiding the swipe of the ghoul each time, Fred having since turned his whip back into his ascot.

And Scooby-Doo, if you come through, you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack

The Menagerie Ghoul roared, somehow shattering the pots and Fred, Velma, and Daphne ran, Fred somehow carrying Velma and Daphne on his shoulders.

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Here are You

Fred then turned his ascot into an electrical whip again and said, "Hold on!"

You're ready and you're willing

Fred then used his electrical whip to pull him and Velma and Daphne up to a safer point, just barely out of the ghoul's reach.

That's when out of nowhere,  Shaggy and Scooby slammed into the ghoul on some soap bars, pushing the three into a pile of old empty boxes followed by a loud crash noise.

If we can count on you, Scooby-Doo,

Fred then hopped down, un-latched his electrical whip, turned it back into an ascot, put it back on the way it was on and he looked at Velma and Daphne.

I know we'll catch that villain

"Come on, we better go check on Shaggy and Scooby and unmask that ghoul!!" Fred exclaimed, running towards where Shaggy, Scooby, and the ghoul crashed

Once the three got there, Daphne grabbed a nearby rope and tied up the ghoul as Fred and Velma helped Shaggy and Scooby out of the pile of boxes. Naturally, the two were dazed from the screaming and sliding and the crash into the boxes.

""Man, like, dig that crazy skate ride. Huh, Scoob?" Shaggy asked his canine pal

"Reah...." Scooby answered before the both of them fell to the ground

Later, outside, they had gotten some news reporters from over in Vale and a couple of Atlesian Soldiers to take away the person they were gonna unmask along with a crowd of Menagerie citiens, among it were Ghira and Kali Belladonna.

"Okay, time to see who this ghoul that's been terrorizing Menagerie really is." Fred said as Daphne walked over to the tied up Menagerie Ghoul

Daphne pulls off the mask revealing a chameleon Faunus named John MacGrather.

"John  MacGrather??!?!?!?" Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby, and most of the crowd said in unison

"But, like, I was for sure that guy who really hates The White Fang was doing this." Shaggy comments. "After all, The Menagerie Ghoul was attacking  White Fang towers."

"You see, Shaggy, that's just what MacGrather wanted us to think while he escaped to Mistral with all the Lien he stole from stand owners under this disguise." Velma states

"I get it. So he dipped the costume in phosphorus to give it that eerie glow." Fred comments

"And he used a couple of flashlight batteries and green plastic for those eerie green, glowing eyes.* Daphne says as she grabs the mask and turns on some small green lights that shine through the eyes of the mask

"Exactly. He used this disguise to scare away stand runners in the central market long enough for him to steal all the Lien each of them had stored in it." Velma finished. "He made the roar sound using an edited soundtrack he found in his home."

"And I would have done zit too, if you kids didn't show up." John MacGrather snaps in response

"But weren't you kids scared like the rest of us?" One citizen asked

"Oh, no, solving mysteries is our hobby." Shaggy comments. "It takes a lot to scare us."

Fred smirks as Velma holds the tape player out to him and he pushes the button playing the loud roar of The Menagerie Ghoul. Scooby screamed as he jumped into Shaggy's arms.

"It's back!!!" Shaggy called out. That creep is back again!!!"

Everyone chuckled a little at the reaction, Scooby looked around and nervously laughed.

"RWell, Scooby-Doo!" Scooby says before hopping back to the ground

Mystery Inc.: Remnant Adventures Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now