Chapter 8: Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Shaggy's team name and dorm room

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Later, in the main hall of Beacon, everyone was waiting to be called up for their team names.

"Fred Jones, Norville Rogers, Daphne Blake, and  Velma Dinkley, please step onto the stage." Ozpin said as the four he mentioned stepped onto the stage as holographic info about them popped up on the large screen. "You have picked the black rook pieces and will be Team FRBD. Led by Fred Jones."

No one was surprised by the fact Fred was made team leader, but the audience applauded.

"The staff here at Beacon have high hopes for you. Do the best you can to excel in classes" Ozpin states. "Do not let us down."

"We don't intend to, Professor." Vela said before straightening her glasses

Ozpin simply smiled a little.

A few hours later after all the teams had gotten their team names and dorm rooms, Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Shaggy were in their dorm room, looking around it.

"Well, I guess this one hasn't been used in a while. The beds are flung all across the room." Daphne comments

"So, like, what do we do about them., then?" Shaggy asked

"Hmmm......" Velma hummed in thought, looking around. "How abut we make some sort of diamond shape like Scooby's tag with the beds?"

"That actually sounds great, Velm." Fred says

"Like, sure." Shaggy said

"Let's do it." Fred said as they then started re-arranging the beds

After what felt like hours but was really only a few minutes, they had re-arranged the beds into the same shape as Scooby's dog tag, cleaned up the room a little, made their beds, and they then took a few steps back to look at the now re-arranged room.

"Wow, this place really does liook better like this." Daphne comments

"I know it was only really a few minutes, but it felt like it took hours to do that" Velma states

Fred walked over to one of the four beds and sat on it.

"Soft beds." Fred said as he lays on the bed and staring at the ceiling

"So.....what now?" Daphne asked

"I guess we wait until classes start." Fred says

"I don't know about you, but i've got a snack to make for myself." Shaggy says as he walked into the dorm room's kitchen and started making himself a snack

"Today really was a strange day. We solved a mystery during initiation which I didn't expect to do." Daphne thought

Back at Shaggy, Ruby, and  Yang's home Taiyang was busy loading snacks into a large shipping crate, Scooby watching almost as if he was gonna go into the crate himself at some point.

"Alright, that should be it." Taiyang stated. "Remember, Scooby. Lay down flat on your stomach so the air-hole can actually provide you air."

"ROkay." Scooby replied, slowly climbing into the box and laying flat on his stomach as Taiyang then put the rest of the stress snacks intended for Shaggy when the box arrives to Beacon, covering Scooby entirely

Taiyang then began to write a letter. Addressed to Shaggy. After he finished the letter, he put it in the box, shut the box and cut out an air-hole for  Scooby so he can breathe while hiding in the box. After that, he put a slip of paper stapled to the lid of the crate with who it has to get shipped to then carefully moved the box onto the porch for the shipping truck to pick it up and take it to where it can get delivered to Beacon.

"RI'm coming, Raggy. RJust hang in there." Scooby thought to himself

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