Prologue 2: Fred's letter

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After Mystery Inc.'s most recent case with The Menagerie Ghoul,  Fred was reading some books in his room, quietly humming to himself.

"Wonder how my brother's doing in his job at Beacon." Fred thinks to himself

Fred sets his book down and stretches his legs, arms, and back. He then hears some light muffling outside his bedroom door and when he looked over, all he saw was an envelope get slid under his door followed by footsteps walking away from his door.

"A letter???" Fred thinks to himself. "Only times a letter is usually sent to my room is if it' something really important for me."

Fred walks over to the letter, kneels down and picks it up. When he took a few close looks at it, he went wide eyed when he saw it was from none other than  Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy. He opened the letter quickly yet carefully.

"Dear Fred Jones, I have recievied news from your brother, Michael Jones, that you have been doing rather well in weapon usage but have no control over our Semblance. Here at Beacon, we not only help train students for what's to come, but how to use their weapons to their full potential along with teaching those who don't know how to control their Semblance just yet to, well, learn how to control their Semblance. It is my great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected for a student position here at Beacon, I expect great things from you. Signed, Headmaster Ozpin." the letter read

Fred practically dropped the letter and began packing things, and his parents somehow knowing the letter was what it was and how Fred would react.

"Brother, you are one insane man. But then again, that's what I liked about you." Fred thought to himself. "Always doing insane things to help others. Especially your own family."

By the time  Fred had finished packing, he had about three breifcases. One had textbooks, one having a Beacon uniform and some sleepwear, and a small one made specifically for his ascot since currently, he was wearing a white shirt with an orange collar, blue sleeve cuffs, some blue jeans, and brown laced shoes.

"Okay, calm down, Fred. You've got this." Fred reassured himself. "Just stay calm. You're going somewhere you've always dreamed of going to."

Fred smiles as he looks out the window.

"Beacon, get ready for one of what could possibly be one of your best students." Fred thought to himself, trying to stay calm and calm himself down

Fred then carried his briefcases out of the house after hugging his mother and father, and once outside, he loaded his breifcases into the back of The Mystery Machine.

He then got into the driver's seat and started the engine and drove off, getting a suspicion of three others who got a letter and knowing where to pick them up.

"I wonder if the others will be getting letters." Fred said to himself as he drove, thinking Shaggy would be the closest to his family's home

Fred leaned over and switched on The Mystery Machine's radio as he drove, humming to the tune of the music that was playing.

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