Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon part 1

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Once the airships arrived and everyone got off the airships that were loaded for transport to Beacon, everyone looked around with a face of amazement on their faces.

"Like, whoa.....this place....this place looks so amazing." Shaggy comments

"Yeah, it really is." Fred responds. "It's also rather large in size.  I mean, I know it's an academy, but I didn't expect it to be..THIS huge."

"Nice architecture as well, gotta say that." Daphne said quietly to herself

"The views from Vale are absolutely NOTHING compared to this place." Velma states

Shaggy looks around as he walks a few steps forward before almost tripping over seemingly nothing, though in reality, his shoe laces came undone. However, someone grabbed the back of his shirt before he could hit the ground. When he looked behind him, he saw that it was Velvet, who he hadn't seen since the case involving The Phantom Puppeteer.

"Oh, like, hey Velvet." Shaggy said as she pulled him back to his feet

"Hi." Velvet replies with a smile

Shaggy brushed himself off a little since some food crumbs had gotten on him during the airship ride, even though he ate alone and he said, "So, how have you been lately?"

"I've been doing great." Velvet answered. "Oh, and, by the way, where is Scooby?"

"Oh, Scoob? He's back at my family's home." Shaggy responded. "He isn't here cause I couldn't bring him. Was told specifically  my letter that I couldn't bring him along for the ride."

"Oh." Velvet said, looking down a little

"But, like, he's doing fine. The family stocked up on Scooby Snx and several other kinds of foods he liked a week before I got my acceptance letter." Shaggy replies in a manner trying to cheer up Velvet

Velvet looked up and smiled a little, glad to know Scooby will at least be okay in terms of food.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the courtyard of Beacon Academy, Velma was walking around, reading a book to herself. Specifically, a copy of "Artificial Dust Creation 101: How to make it and identify it apart from real Dust"

"Huh, interesting read." Velma said to herself. "This could really help on future cases."

Velma was humming as she read until she came across one page n particular that seemed out of place in a book about artificial Dust. A page about something called 'Randomonium'.

"What is a page about Randomonium doing in a book about artificial Dust?"  Velma asked as she sat down on a bench

Once taking a closer look, she spotted that if Randomonium was used to make artificial Dust, it would be damn near impossible to tell it apart from real  Dust unless someone was to look at it in a powdered form on a microscope.

"Huh....that's odd." Vela comments going through a few more pages of the book

Meanwhile Fred and Daphne were sitting  by a fountain.

"So, Daph, you said your aunt works here, right?" Fred asked as he put a book back in his side bag he had on

"Yep." Daphne answered. "My aunt Glynda Goodwitch"

"Right. Anyways, why d you think she actually sent you a letter?" Fred asks. "As in why you were who she sent a letter to. She herself was the one ho sent the letter most likely cause of you two being related."

"The letter mentioned my martial arts skills and the exploits the gang have done over the years." Daphne answered. "Honestly, I feel like there's a deeper reason as to why we were invited to join Beacon in the first place."

Fred stood up and said, "So you got that odd feeling as well?"

"Mhm." Daphne replies as she stands up as well. "If you think about it, Fred, Mystery Inc. helped more people than any known Huntsmen or Huntresses. We've gone around the world dealing with ghosts, the occasional un explainable Grimm attacks, actual crimes that police and the military would usually handle as well. Hell, as you can recall one time, there was a series of kidnapings and the kidnapping victims showing up traumatized by something happening to them over in Atlas." she added, brushing off the dust particles from her clothes. "For that one, the Atlas Military General, James Ironwood, straight up gave us the van that became The  Mystery  Machine."

"I remember that one." Fred replied with a smile and a light chuckle. "Up until we got The Mystery Machine, we were stuck either walking or riding bikes which I still remember Shaggy always had trouble doing."

Daphne snickered a little, remembering a time Shaggy tried to use a bike in Atlas but the thing's wheels went across some slippery ice and he crashed into some boxes and trash cans.

"Anyways, we should probably get inside, Daph." Fred said as he walked off with his suitcases

Daphne looked at the sky for a few seconds before following with her suitcases as well.

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