Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest

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Fred heard some rustling nearby.

"Who's there??" Fred asked as he held his electrical whip tightly. "Come out and show yourself."

Within a few seconds, it was revealed the source of the rustling was Daphne, which Fred sighed with relief.

"Thank the gods it was just you, Daph." Fred said

"I'm lucky I barely even got out of there." Daphne comments, brushing off some dirt as she had got roughed up a little during a fight. "But i'm fine now."

Fred hugged Daphne, relieved she was okay.

Meanwhile, back up on the cliff, Glynda and Ozpin were standing there, looking over a couple of scroll tablets.

"Our last pair has been formed, sir." Glynda says as she walks up to Ozpin. "Daphne Blake and Fred Jones. I don't feel surprised that those two ended up pairing with each other for whatever team they end up on."

"You shouldn't be." Ozpin said.

"Still better than Ms. Dinkley." Glynda said, going to a video of Velma having a chat with Shaggy. "I don't care what any documents of his say, that Norville fellow is not ready for this level of combat."

Ozpin stayed silent as he looked at his scroll tablet.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough." Glynda said before starting to walk off. "At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes. Speaking of which..."

Glynda turned back to Ozpin and asked, "What did you use as relics this year?"

However no response came from Ozpin as he was still looking at his scroll tablet.

"Professor Ozpin?" Glynda asked

Meanwhile, back in the forest, Shaggy and Vela came to a stop.

"Like, what's that sound?" Shaggy asked, questioning a rustling they heard

Velma looked around. Within seconds, she knew what had caused the rustling.

"I don't know." Velma stated

Meanwhile, after many wrong turns and more Grimm fights, Fred and Daphne found the temple where the relics were.

"Whoa....look at this place." Fred said as him and  Daphne walked over

"This must be that temple Ozpin mentioned." Daphne said

Fred looked at the pedastols the relics were on. The relics themselves were just chess pieces.

"Wait....chess pieces?" Fred questioned, before realizing these were supposed to be the relics. "And it looks like some are missing, so we aren't the first ones here."

"Guess we should pick one, Fred." Daphne said

Elsewhere n the Emerald Forest, Jaune Arc and Pyrrah Nikos were standing outsid a cave, first one to say something was Jaune.

"Think this is it?" Jaune asked

Once a torch was obtained ad lit, the two were walking through the cave, thinking it would lead them to the temple with the relics.

"I'm...not sure this is it." Pyrrah states whole they walk

Jaune sighed and said, "Pyrrah, I made the torch. Could you at least humor me for maybe 5 more feet?"

Jaune then tripped and the torch went out.

"Ouch." Jaune said, getting back up though it was now pitch black n the cave

After some silence, Pyrrah asked, "Do you feel that?"

"Soul crushing regret?" Jaune replies

"No, it's......warm." Pyrrah states

Back at the temple, Blake and Yang had arrived to pick the relic the two were gonna pick, Fred and Daphne having not chosen just yet.

"Hey, Fred, how about a Rook?" Daphne asked, holding up the black Rook piece

"Sure, why not?" Fred asked as he walked over to Daphne and Yang and  Blake decided to pick a Knight piece, a golden one

"Wasn't too hard." Yang comments

"Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find." Blake replied

"I just hope Velma and Shaggy are okay." Daphne states. "Shaggy looked like he was barely holding himself together when he got launched."

"Is he....afraid of heights?" Blake asked

"Nope." Fred answers. "Just afraid of taking severe damage before seeing Scooby again."

Back in the cave, Jaune and Pyrra came up to something glowing, something a little curved and sharp.

"That's the relic!" Jaune states, trying to grab it but failing. Each time he tried, it moved. "Bad relic." he added before eventually jumping up and grabbing it. "Gotcha!"

Whatever it really was, lifted Jaune into the air and hissed as a red glow was seen in the cave.

"Jaune....."" Pyrrah started

Back at the temple, Fred, Daphne Blake, and Yang heard Jaune's screaming.

"Sounds like Vomit-boy's got himself into trouble again." Fred said as all four of them looked over at the general direction of the cave

Just then, Pyrrah comes running out of the cave, followed by a giant scorpion-like Grimm called a Death Stalker.  As opposed to most Creatures of Grimm, which have black fur or feathers, a Death Stalker has a jet-black exoskeleton underneath several large, white, bonelike plates upon its back, which are adorned with red markings.

One of the more prominent attributes of this Grimm is the glowing golden stinger on its tail that it uses as a lure. It also has a pair of large pincers that it uses to defend itself and grab or cut into its prey.

Jaune was hanging for his life on the eath Stalker's stinger, not getting attacked by the stinger somehow.

"Pyrrah, do something!!" Jaune called out

"Jaune, whatever you do, don't let-" Pyrrah started before the Death Stalker threw Jaune forward by miles with it's tail. "-go."

Pyrrah, after ooking at the Death Stalker, then chased after Jaune.

Back at the temple, the four there were trying to figure out what to do.

"Blake, did you hear that?? What should we do?" Yang asked

Bake was just looking in the same direction still, trying to formulate an answer. That's when Shaggy's screaming could be heard.

"Like, look out below!!!!" Shaggy yelled as him and Velma had gotten sent flying by something and the two crashed into the nearby grass.

"Shaggy!! Velma!!" Fred and Daphne both exclaimed, running over to their two friends

"You guys okay?" Daphne asked as they helped Shaggy and Velma stand back up

"I....I think so." Velma replied

"What happened?" Fred asked

"Well like, this crazy large snake Grimm basically smacked us which is what sent us flying." Shaggy explained

"I'm just glad you two are okay." Daphne says, relieved

"I'm glad we're okay, too." Shaggy says, brushing off a bit of dirt from his shoulders

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