Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon part 2

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Currently, right outside the main doors to Beacon, all the students were waiting since there was an announcment that had t be made.

Shaggy looked back and saw  Fred and Daphne and waved them over saying, "Hey, Fred, Daphne, over here!! We managed to save you a spot!"

Once the two had walked over to Shaggy and Velma, the four looked at each other, as if one of them was about to say something. The first to actually say something was Daphne.

"So, uh........I got something I actually wanna admit." Daphne said, taking a deep breath

"It's that you are a chameleon Faunus but didn't know until recently, isn't it?" Velma asked, straightening her glasses

"Wait, how did you......" Daphne starts

"Family tree tracing." Velma explains. "I took a look at as much that was able to be recovered on your family tree as I could, and a few of your ancestors on your mother's side were all Faunus. Specifically, chameleon Faunus."

"Yeah. She, like, also found out that there were several cases where somehow, an ancestor that was a child of one of those Faunus ancestors wasn't a Faunus which is probably why you didn't know you were until recently." Shaggy adds

Daphne looked surprised and looked at Fred wondering if he knew as well but he shrugs, indicating he did not in fact know until now.

Daphne luckily knew her friends. Better than anyone. They don't care she's a chameleon Faunus, but they care about the person she is. She considers herself lucky to have such friends.

That's when they all heard the speaker system in the area turn on, which made everyone turn to the stage, seeing Ozpin and Glynda there as Ozpin spoke into the microphone saying, "I'm going to......keep this brief."

Velma, Daphne, and Fred all put their scrolls away out of respect. Shaggy's wasn't even on so he had no reason to have it out.

"You have traveled here in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and  acquire new skills." Ozpin further spoke into the microphone. "And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people."

Fred and  Daphne share a glance, before looking back up at the stage where Ozpin and Glynda were.

"But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction." Ozpin added. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far.  It is up to you to take the first step."

Shaggy scratched the back of his head, Daphne fixed up her purple hairband, and Velma straightened her glasses as Glynda walked up to the microphone.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins." Glynda explains. "Be ready. You are dismissed."

"Hey, like is it just me or did that Ozpin dude seem kinda....I don't" Shaggy asks

After a second of silence, Daphne answers with, "Yeah. It did. Almost as if he wasn't even there."

"Hmmmm......" Velma hummed in suspicion, a massive thought being on her mind

Later, in the ballroom, Velma was sitting down on her orange sleeping bag she had managed to bring, reading a book,  Shaggy had managed to get enough food for a singe regular sized sandwich into the ballroom, that sandwich he currently is eating, Fred was staring out a window, and Daphne was laying down. Staring at the ceiling.

After  Shaggy finished eating his sandwich, he looked over and saw Ruby was writing in a notebook she had brought with her. So, he walked over to have a chat with his sister.

"Hey, try, like, looking at this as a huge slumber party." Shaggy says. "I know dad wouldn't really approve of all the other boys, but still, my point still stands."

"You know, I guess you have a point, Shaggy." Ruby comments 

"And, like, what are you writing, there?" Shaggy asked

"A letter. To the gang back at Signal." Ruby explains. "I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things were going."

"Oh....." Shaggy said looking down and wishing he had time to write a letter to Scooby. "I know how you feel there....."

"Is it about Scooby?" Ruby asks

"Yeah.....I was wanting to bring him, but my letter said specifically not to bring him." Shaggy answers

"It's kinda weird barely knowing anyone here." Ruby comments

Shaggy then sighed, genuinely missing his canine companion. This is the first major event in Shaggy's life Scooby couldn't be present for.

"Well, I guess I can look at the fact that it's only been one day so far. That still leaves the open window to make new friends." Shaggy said. "I just genuinely want Scoob to be here......"

"I'm sure dad will find a way to sneak him in." Ruby said as she stared at the ceiling

Shaggy sighs a little. Then, he gets up and looked over at Fred.

Daphne sighs as she sits up, looking around.

"I need fresh air...." Daphne comments as she gets up, wearing purple pajamas and walking outside and staring at the sky. "Mom, dad, I hope you're okay up there in the afterlife. I made it to Beacon safely. Aunt Glynda is still as strict as ever. And,, well, I honestly din't think I wanna let her down any time soon......"

A single star flashed a little.

"I know that it's up to me to confirm a bunch of business decisions and whatnot for the family's companies.....and honestly, that, mixed with being a Huntress in training AND a detective may make life hard on me, But, i'll pull through." Daphne comments. "I think I know one family i'll be cutting ties with if the situation ever calls for it, though...."

Daphne then walked back into the ballroom and layed back down in her sleeping bag and slowly drifted off into sleep.

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