Prologue 3: Daphne's letter

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In a small house in Vale, Daphne had been training with some purple nunchucks an going all out on a test dummy her family had bought and shipped to her from over in Atlas.

"Gotta keep up this training if I want to defend myself during cases." Daphne told to herself. "The more I practice and using these, the better i'll get."

When she finished her practice for the day, she flipped her nunchucks around a bit and they turned back into her iconic purple slipper shoes. Since she was done she put them back on her feet and walked out of her practice room and headed towards the kitchen to get a cup of water.

"I could so go for some water." Daphne thought to herself

Daphne opened her cup cabinet and grabbed an old cup one of her aunts had gotten her. She stared at it for a second before walking over o her sink and filling it with water and taking a sip.

"Wonder how aunt Glynda is doing....she's probably fine." Daphne thought to herself. "She's always found more serious ways to g et solutions out there, even if she's a bit too strict at times."  

She then heard a knock on the door. So, she walked over to the door and opened it but got confused when all she saw was a letter sitting on the porch. She kneeled down and picked it up and got really confused when she saw it was from her aunt. 

"What does aunt Glynda want this time???" Daphne asked herself

Daphne opened the letter and took it inside to read.

"Let's see what this letter is all about....." Daphne said to herself

"Dear Miss Daphne Blake, by exclusive recommendations due to your skills in martial arts training and due to your exploits with the Mystery Incorporated team, you have been accepted into Beacon Academy of Vale." Daphne read in her mind

She went wide eyed. The handwriting on the letter was in fact that of her aunt's. She didn't even know what to say. She sighed a bit, then went up to her room and started packing things. She had ordered a secondary pair of purple slippers liek the ones she has on in case she ever needed to go somewhere that involved turning them into nunchucks for her to use as a weapon.

She took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for putting this into place for me, aunt. I'll be sure to do the best I can while there."

She then heard the un-mistakable honking of The Mystery Machine outside and looked out her window and right there was Fred in The  Mystery Machine, waiting for her.

She finished packing,, went downstairs and stepped outside over to The Mystery Machine and put her suitcases in the back before getting in the front passenger seat.

"You got a Beacon letter as well i'm guessing, Freddy?" Daphne asked as she pt her seatbelt in place

"Yep, now we just gotta wait and see if the others have as well." Fred answers as he resumes driving

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