Chapter 4: The First Step Part 1

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A few hours later, Fred finally woke up, he was the last one to wake up. He took one look around and sighed.

"Last one up again." Fred said to himself

He then went through his daily morning routine. Brushing his teeth, making sure his hair doesn't come out of place since he's always been one to care for his hair, even more than Daphne as a matter of a fact, then he eats his breakfast which for him, is usually some bacon, diced potatoes,  and a nice cold cup of iced water.

Later, in the locker room however, he had to dig out his weapon which was hard with how many studying supplie h had brought with him, covering his weaponized ascot.

"So, Fred........what exactly WERE your plans for the day?" Velma asked as she put her bullet-proof chestplate on under her sweater

"I don't know, Velmster." Fred answers, getting out his ascot and putting it around his neck. "I guess i'll go wherever the day takes me."

Meanwhile Shaggy was simply trying to open his locker. He was having issues. When he finally got it open, he fell right to the ground with a thud.

"Like, ouch....." Shaggy said before getting back up and looking through his locker. "Hmmm.....what should I have for stress relieving snacks today?"

However, before he could make that decision, his eyes fell onto some pictures of Scooby. Seeing how happy everyone was in the pictures made him miss his canine companion more and more.

"Like, I miss ya to, Scoob, old buddy, old pal....." Shaggy said, staring at a picture of him, Scooby, Ruby, and Yang on Ruby's 9th birthday. "I promise to bring you at least 9 whole boxes of Scooby  Snax for us to share when the semester is over"

Daphne was looking over from her locker, while also trying to talk to Weiss Schnee, mostly about business deals between the Schnees and Blakes and possibly cutting some of them. Mainly all current connections to the Blake family's private jet and private plane rental company

Eventually, when Daphne mounted her weapons in their nunchuck mode onto a weapon holding belt she put on,  Weiss was the first to ask something.

"So, Daphne, have you decided who's team you want to be on?" Weiss asked

"Well, i've got a few choices for that, actually." Daphne answers. "There's the obvious choice of Fred, Velma, and Shaggy who i've known for years at this point. Same goes regarding Velvet, but I I haven't talked with her in a while. Same to Ren. All of those options would work for me."

After that, Daphne grabbed her green scarf and put it on around her neck for the day.

"But I don't think I have the ability to choose who I end up with cause of how I think the initiation would work." Daphne adds before walking off

"Shaggy, get your head out of the gutter and let's go." Fred said as him and Velma walked off

Shaggy took a deep breath, put the photo he was holding back in his locker, looked at it for a second, grabbed his weapon which was somehow still in katana mode, and then followed Fred and  Velma.

Later at a cliff edge, the initiation is getting started. Some of the new students are lined up on platforms to be launched into a location known as the Emerald Forest.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors and a unique group of heroes the public looks up to." Ozpin starts, seeming to glare at Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Shaggy, being well aware of their detective history and that the public looks up to them as a group of teenage crime-solving heroes. "And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

"Emerald Forest.....we've been there before for a camping trip.......we had a case involving a mutant Beowolf, but we were initially there for camping. I remember that's when I actually discovered what my Semblance was and what my dad designed my ascot to do." Fred thought to himself

"Now, i'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion." Glynda states, getting Daphne to look up while she was straightening her weapon mount belt. "Each of you will be given teammates. Today."

"Like, I hope it's people Ii know that I end up getting." Shaggy says to himself

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon." Ozpin states. "So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well."

Shaggy simply gulps a little. Fearing he won't get paired with Fred, Velma, Daphne, Velvet, or even Ren for that matter.

"That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." Ozpin added

"L-L-Landing?!!??!?!??" Shaggy said to himself, nearly jumping back, but staying on the platform he was on

"After you have partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest."  Ozpin states. "You WILL meet opposition on the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die."

Shaggy nervously chuckles a little right before Jaune gulps.

"You mill be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation." Ozpin stated. "But our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics."

Fred and Daphne looked at Shaggy who was practically shaking, The two and Velma all look at each other before shrugging

"Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff." Ozpin stated, making Shaggy start struggling more and more to keep himself together. "We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?"

Jaune took a look at Shaggy and raised his hand and started, "Yeah, um, sir..."

"Good! Now, take your positions." Ozpin states before Jaune could even finish his question

Everyone one by one got into a pose, ready to do whatever they had to do to land safely in the forest, Shaggy's being the most non nonsensical since he looked almost as if he was holding someone or something in his arms.

The first one launched was Weiss.  Then, one by one, the other students were launched. Eventually, Shaggy was the last one launched, him seeming to go the farthest.

"YIKES!!!!!" Shaggy screams as he was soaring through the air

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