Chapter 7: Emerald Forest Part 2: The Rouge Robot of Emerald Forest

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After having a discussion with Yang, Blake, and everyone else who had arrived to the temple Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Shaggy were in the Emerald Forest, searching for a possible secret passage to lead to the top of the mountain.

"Like, I don't get it." Shaggy said, confused. "By now, one of us would have found a secret passage. Even if by complete luck."

"Maybe it's just not here. Maybe it's actually in the mountain." Daphne suggests

"Daphne's got a fair point there." Fred said as they all walked back towards the cliff

While they were walking, Shaggy heard some twigs snapping and metallic footsteps hitting the ground. He heard these noises all around them. He shook with each metallic step he heard.

"Does anyone else hear those noises???" Shaggy asked as he shook

Fred stopped which made the rest of the group stop. When they all looked at Fred, they noticed he was looking at something ahead of them.

"Like, what is it, Fred?" Shaggy asked

"L-L-Look." Fred responds with a stutter, pointing at what he sees

When they looked, what they saw made them all go wide eyed. An Atlestian Knight-200. But it's face was glowing red.

" that?" Daphne asked cause in spite of her family being from Atlas, she has never seen any form of Atlesian Knight

"That's an Atlesian Knight-200...but it's gone rogue!" Velma explained just as the knight pulled out a gun and aimed it at the four detectives

"Everybody run!!!!" Fred orders

Right as the knight pulled the trigger, everybody ran off in separate directions, dodging the shot, but only just barely.

The rouge knight first went after Shaggy who, un-suprisingly was running for his life. The knight pulled out his gun and aimed it at Shaggy.

"YIKES!!!" Shaggy yelled, just barely dodging the bullets

The robot let out an angered roar as it sped up, slowly gaining up on Shaggy, only for Shaggy to take a hard left, causing the knight to ram face first into a tree.

Yesterday, I got to dreamin
About a Recipe for My Love

Elsewhere  in the forest, Fred, Velma, and Daphne were busy gathering various sticks, leaves, and rocks, putting them in their handbags as they went. Only thing that stopped them however was the knight showing up and aiming it's gun at the three detectives.

Took all the things I was feelin'
Thins around, there's just not enough of

Fred, Velma, and Daphne quickly got up and ran just before the trigger was pulled on the gun.

I tried and tried, to find out the secret
For my recipe

Fred, Velma, and Daphne ended up running right into Shaggy, causing them to all fall on each other, right as the Atlesian Knight tripped over them.

But all of these things couldn't make up my baby
And what my baby means to me

The group then got up and ran. The Atlesian Knight-200 trying to shoot and chase them.

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