Chapter 3.5: The weird dream

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Once Daphne had gotten back inside the ballroom to lay down in her sleeping bag, she was laying there, staring at the ceiling.

"Well....Ii should probably get some sleep." Daphne said, rolling onto her side in her sleeping bag

Daphne closed her eyes and slowly drifted off into sleep, not expecting the dream she was about to have.


Daphne could only see herself in another person's body, but she felt as if it was natural. How did she know she was in someone else's body in this dream? Because the timeframe the dream seems to take place is years and years and years before either of her parents were born and the house styles were vastly different.

She seemed to be limping towards the town in front of her. She looked down and saw she had the claw of a Beowolf in one hand while she was slowly bleeding from her side with her other hand covering the wound.

"I....gotta get to the town. It's bound to have medical supplies, right?"  she said to herself

However, within a few more steps, she fell to the ground, passing out for a few minutes.

"Hello?? she heard a male voice say. "You ok? You look like you took a pretty tough beating there."

She woke up and saw the warrior Ozma, who has tanned skin with messy brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a blue-green tunic with a tan undershirt, a blue cape and black trousers with brown boots. Both his tunic and cape are outlined with golden markings. Over this, he wears metal armor held by brown belts and straps. The armor is etched with ornamental patterns.

"Y-Yean, i'm fine." She replies as she gets up. leaning on her sword for support

"My name is Ozma" Ozma introduces

"I've heard of you before from some of the locals over in Mistral...." she replies. "My name is Ambra.....Ambra Blake."


Daphne practically sprung up in her sleeping bag, breathing heavily. She looked around and noticed that it was already sunrise by the time she had woken up, and Shaggy was already awake and outside, having a catching up conversation with Velvet.

"Well, at least I know i'm not the only one up this early...." Daphne whispers as she gets back into her sleeping bag, changes into her casual clothes while IN her sleeping bag, then getting out of the sleeping bag

She grabbed her regular shoes, put them on and walked outside for some fresh air

"Man, this year i gonna be one hell of a year." Daphne comments

Daphne took a deep breath as she stared up at the sky, knowing something would happen to someone in the gang during one of the semesters, but she didn't know what that was or who it's going to happen to.

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