Chapter 27: Origin

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???'s POV

We arrived at the room the Muse was being kept in. There appeared to be a commotion.

Doctors and scientists were rushing around, some talking, others carrying supplies. Esbern stepped up.

"What is the problem here?" A scientist turned around.

"She appears to have lost her Septima, sir. " Esbern gripped him by the shoulders and shook him.

"I cannot lose the Muse! Fix this!"

As they were talking I slipped past the General and into the room. I rose an eyebrow as I saw a guard.... comforting her?

I slipped around the corner and listened in. The Muse was talking.

"I don't understand, Russel. How did Mytyl get the Septima back?" The guard, Russel, responded.

"Look at the bright side. They don't know where she is, or anything about her. It's better this way."  Lumen nodded slowly, then froze.

She turned to face my hiding spot. I stepped out with a smile.

"Hello, my dear. I see your sense is improved."

Russel drew his gun. "I don't know you. Who are you!?"

I ignored him, turning to Lumen. "I propose a deal."

She looked at me hesitantly. "What deal?"

I grinned. "I can get you out of here."

Russel spoke up. "The cost?"

I turned to Lumen once more. "Tell me about GV."

She blinked, then gave me a determined look.

"I'm not telling you anything, but what did you want to know?"

I gave a thoughtful look.

"I want to know his origin. Tell me how the 'Azure Striker' came to be."

Lumen chuckled. "Even he doesn't know that. He doesn't even know his name."

I shook hands. "That's information. Now my side of the deal. Follow me."

I strode forward, but stopped when I saw they weren't following. I sighed.

"I'm trying to be fair. Come on!"

Lumen gave me a searching look. "Why did you want to know?"

I chuckled and patted her head, which annoyed her immensely. "Can't have you telling Gunvolt, now can I? That's information, and unless you have more to tell me, I won't tell you."

We walked out the door, getting stopped by the General. I held out a hand to the crowd.

"You will lead the Muse and her guard outside the premises, and will return to your post, unaware of what you have done."

I turned to Lumen. "They won't disobey. And the deal is complete. We part now, Muse."

That done, I teleported away.

Gunvolt's POV, same time

Since I wasn't going to help Alexandra, I stayed behind with the rest of the group. Gibril, Eliese and I have been doing missions for Quill in the meantime.

"Hello Gunvolt."

I turned around, drawing my gun and preparing my Septima, as I looked towards the intruder. I had to look twice.

This man had a remarkable resemblance to Nova. I growled. "What do you want?"

The man smiled. "I want to give you a gift."

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