Chapter 9

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Still Gunvolt's POV

I was woken up by someone knocking on the door. I opened it to see Shadow. 
"I'll show you to the main room. Follow me." And he left, not checking if I was behind him. I followed. He stopped to knock on another door, saying,

"Teseo! I swear if you're still asleep, I'll have Tenjian freeze you into an icicle!" No response. Shadow sighed.
"I'll have Asroc melt down your PC." I chuckled as the door immediately opened.

The green haired boy walked by, punching Shadow on the shoulder as he went. Shadow and I followed. As we walked I got my first good look at him.

At the moment he had a long hood covering his face, green eyes, and seemed like a quiet guy. My eyebrows rose when I saw what he was wearing.

An old Quill adept uniform. It was a grey color, which suprised me. Most people didn't know it, but our uniforms are actually color coded. Grey wasn't code for anything. This is what confused me.

Judging by his.... Unsettling septima abilities, He should have had a black uniform.

We arrived at the main room. Several people were there, Zonda included. She spoke up when she saw us.

"Good, you're here. Introduce yourself, then we'll do the same."

I nodded. "Hello everybody, my name is Gunvolt. The people who I were close to rejected me, so now I'm looking for a place to call home. I hope this is it. Nice to meet you!"

A man with purple hair spoke up, a smile on his face. "That's it? You gotta say more than that. Favorite food, a hobby? Tell us more!"

I laughed, and answered his question. "Favorite food is probably seafood. As for a hobby I usually train. What about you?"

The man smiled. "My name is Guari. Favorite hobby is dancing. Nice to meet you!"

(You may have noticed I don't make him sound like a depressed rapper. Moving on.)

A man with a grey and yellow jacket spoke next. "I'm Asroc. I handle the cooking here."

The green haired boy from earlier went next. "I'm Teseo. I maintain the technology related things here."

Shadow stepped into view. "As you know, my name is Shadow. I'm one of the more experienced ones here, and I also give out missions, on occasion."

I asked him a question. "Why do you always wear a hood?" Teseo gave a short response. "Because he's the emo in the family." Shadow said nothing, only pulling the hood tighter.

A stoic looking man spoke next. "My name is Tenjian. I'm Zonda's second in command here, and will be first to act if she cannot. The rest of us you will know as you go on."

Asroc nodded cheerfully, a glint in his eye. "I'll start cooking lunch. You will witness my masterful cooking!" And he charged towards what I assumed was the kitchen area. Huh.

Shadow turned to me. "Feel free to look around if you like. You can go anywhere except the Basement."

I nodded and began to wander. After a while, I arrived at a door locked with a keypad. I might be able to override it with my lightning, but I'd have to earn that back. Being unable to presently open it, I moved on, retracting my steps to the garden like place from before.

The man with the sword from before, Tenjian, was still standing guard. I spoke to him. "Hello, Tenjian. I would like to speak to Zonda, and ask her about my place here." He nodded, stepping aside. I went in.

I didn't notice before, but the garden was rather peaceful. "Hello, boy. Are you lost?" A woman with pink hair was standing there. Strange. She wasn't at the introductions.

"Hello miss. Can I speak to Zonda?" The woman laughed. Then, from behind me, "You already are, hon." I turned around to see a man that looked similar to the woman in front of me. I'm getting confused....

She stepped forward. I stepped back. The man smirked. The woman spoke. "Are you... unnerved?" I nodded quickly. She seemed to pout. The man spoke for her. "Would you prefer we change back?"

"Yes, please."

She frowned, caressing my cheek. "That's too bad... you're a lovely one." The woman then disappeared in a flash of purple stars, leaving me with the man.

He struck a strange pose, twirling around in a flash of light, and he was gone too, the normal Zonda appearing in his place.

"Why do I unnerve you?"

I sighed. "It isn't you, not exactly, but the last time someone split into two, they tied me up and poisoned me."

Zonda sighed, seemingly relieved that I wasn't disturbed by her.

"Is there anything I should know about here in general?" She nodded.

"You will start doing small missions tomorrow, and you should check with Shadow to see the form arrangements set for you."

I got ready to do so, but said one last thing. "Zonda, I plan on staying in this adept family. And in a family, you accept each other, no matter what form they take. I won't become unnerved by you again." And I exited the garden area, looking for Shadow.

I was told he was in the sparring room. After asking around, I made my way there. There was four people in the arena.

A girl with claws was desperately trying to land a hit on Ghuari, but he was always a move away. Glancing over at the sound of metal clashing, I found Shadow.

A smirking Shadow was fighting Milas and Teseo at the same time, and he wasn't even using Septima!

He wasn't winning, but he was managing a stalemate, which is impressive on it's own. Suddenly, the entire room became freezing cold.

Shadow, after knocking both of his opponents down again, didn't notice the cold. Tenjian then appeared behind him, hitting him head on with a frozen fist.

It was almost comical in the way Shadow was literally thrown across the room, hitting the wall on the other side. Milas laughed.

"Still no one can beat Tenjian one on one, hm?"

Shadow groaned, then responded.
"I'm getting there, but that isn't completely true. There is *one* person that beat Tenjian."

In a matter of seconds Tenjian was across the room, an inch from Shadow. "Don't ever talk about him to me. He doesn't belong here anymore."

Ghuari nodded seriously. "Yeah, Shadow. Kinda a low blow."

Shadow turned to me, ignoring the rest. "I'll give you a mission tomorrow, but right now I have your room arrangements. You keep the room from last night, but you have a roommate. You'll meet him eventually. He should be in your room."

"Guess I'll see him, then."


Yes, I'm fully aware that this is late. And no, I'm not completely sure where I'm going. But on the bright side, 100 people have viewed this book!!!!! (Pops confetti) Next milestone is 200. I'll attempt to get back to my one chapter per 3 day thing, but no promises. See ya next time!

Azure Striker Gunvolt: A different perspective Where stories live. Discover now