Chapter Four

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So the plan is to have all the guys sign one piece of paper and then I wave it around to prove it's real. Then I put it in a envelope with a heavy rock inside and throw it. So the bitches go running for the "ball." (Get it bitches= female dog. Dogs like chasing things). Then we make a break for it. They all just looked at me like I was crazy and Paul was shaking his head with his head in his hands.

"It's worth a try right?" Still they didn't look impressed.

"How about you just stand by and watch me do my awesome plan and get into the hotel without you then?" That got them to comply. They signed the piece of paper and I got an envelope and rock.

"Huddle up." we all got in a small circle with our hands in the middle. "Holly is awesome on 3?"

"No way! How about the potatoes on 3?" Niall questioned.

"No! The carrots!" demanded Louis. Liam gave me the evils for starting this argument. I just stuck my tongue out at him, which shocked him and he smiled.

"Alright we'll do something everyone likes. Holly’s' potatoes carrots toy story 3 curly haired boy perfect hair and babysitter unite, on 3!" the all complied to that and now it was time.

When Paul opened up the door every single pair of eyes were on us. "Look what I got! Its signed by all these goofballs and it has a special note" *wink* those girls went Crazy! And I haven't even thrown it yet. So I put it in the envelope and sealed it. I teased them a bit by pretending to throw it. I feel like I'm playing with a dog. Finally I threw it and we ran as fast as we could. We all got in safely, thankfully.

"See what my awesomeness thinks of?" they all groaned at my ego. "Admit it! If I weren't here you would still be out there."

"Fine I admit it so I can go to my room." Liam grouchily said as he walked toward the elevator.

"I feel so bad for him." the others looked at me confused. "I mean I take it he was in love with Danielle." they nodded. "I wish they were still together." they just looked at me like I was crazy.

"What? Can't I wish?" they just laughed a bit and I walked up to the reception desk, the lady gave me a key and I ran to catch up with the boys. Surprisingly we got on the same elevator as Liam. When we were in-between the 6th and 7th floor the elevator stopped.

"Elevator party!" Liam glared at me.

"Liam? Can't you just be a little happy? We all have things that are eating away at us but we just fake a smile and go on with the day." He looked even more mad as he walked towards me.

I took a step back because he was really scaring me.

"I just broke up with my girlfriend of two years and you expect me to be okay? I loved and still do love her but I'll never get to hold her in my arms again!" some tears slipped out of his eyes and I put my sleeve over my hand and wiped them away.

"I understand what you're going through but you just have to be strong" I feel like my mom and Haley. They always gave me the talk about "being strong."

"I don't think you do understand." he said while shaking his head in disappointment.

"Actually, my boyfriend of eight months cheated on me with my sister about a week ago. They were practically doing it on my bed." it was my turn for tears to fall. It was still hard for me to talk about. I mean it's only been a week or so ago.

His lips made an "o" shape and he hugged me. I hugged him back but I was a bit confused. He whispered I'm sorry and I told him it was okay.

After that the boys looked at me differently. A pitiful look? Maybe? After a while of small talk I couldn't take the pity looks anymore.

"Why do you guys keep looking at me like that?" they looked at each other, as if they were deciding who was going to answer me. After a few moments Niall started talking.

"Well we feel bad for acting so um, how do I explain it?" he looked like he was thinking hard so I decided to spare him from looking dumb.

"Alright, don't hurt yourself thinking so hard. Just don't look at me like I'm a charity case." Niall nodded.

For the next couple of hours we just talked a bit and it was getting boring.

"We shall not be bored no more! Dance party!" I turned on my phone and there was a recording of me singing. I tried turning it off but it wouldn't. Once I finally got it to turn off it was to late. They had already heard my horrid singing voice, except they had big grins on their faces.

"You weren't supposed to hear that... Although you were going to hear it anyway..." I trailed off. They just laughed at my embarrassment. Then I grabbed my iPod and turned on its music instead. Dance party activated. (I know I'm weird.)

It Started with Game Show (One Direction/ mostly Niall)Where stories live. Discover now