Chapter Nine

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“How about a proposal?" Simon questioned me.

"Whoa dude I'm only 17. I'm not ready to get married yet and no offense but I wouldn't marry you." he just chuckled at my response while the others doubled over in laughter.

"No that's not what I meant. How about you become the rehearsal helper?" was he serious. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.

"Sorry Simon but I'll have to decline that offer. No offense but that's a stupid idea." he nodded his head and looked like he was trying to figure out something else. He looked over to the boys for help but they shrugged their shoulders.

"Guess I can leave now, right?" Simon nodded his head no in response.

"I just don't want to be here! I can't or I don't want to do this! Can't you guys just understand that? There's no way to get me to go, no reason for me to stay, and no chance of me staying!" I exclaimed while grabbing my bags and walk down the hall towards the stairs.

"Holly! Please stay!" Niall exclaimed from down the hall. He had his chance to get me to stay.

"You had your chance back in the elevator!" I shouted back at him. I was about to open the door to the stairs but someone grabbed me and turned me around. There were five bodies standing there.

"At least give us until you get to the airport to convince you." Liam pleaded.

"Fine." I walked down the stairs along with the echo of the others footsteps. As we reached the bottom I could hear the screams of girls and I could feel the others fence around me.

"Oh god." Zayn groaned. I did the same thing and stopped walking.

"Maybe you guys shouldn't go to the airport with me."

"No we are going." when he said that I saw two familiar faces. I just couldn't put a name with a face. While standing there thinking about who they were the others stopped talking. When I came back to reality and looked straight forward there was a gun pointed at my head.

There was tension that could be cut with a knife. Everything was silent. No words, no screaming girls, no flashing of cameras. Nada.

Those are the guys from the elevator. The ones who wanted to take us back to my dad and.... Kill.... Me. Oh god what are we going to do. There doing this in front of hundreds of people or even millions if they are recording this.

"So Holly. How have you been my dear?" a voice from the side said. It wasn't just any voice though. It was my dads.

"Just peachy." I muttered. He just smirked.

"You know if you would have just stayed with me none of this would be happening." he was right. If I would have never told, if I hadn't entered this contest, or even gone on that elevator but if I hadn't then Liam would have been on it alone. What was to come was going to be all my fault and I only just met one direction 12ish hours ago.

I was knocked out of my trance with a blood curtailing scream of pain made by..... Niall. He had been kicked to the ground and stabbed in the arm. The others were all being held back by bug men.

"Why are you bringing them into this?!" I yelled at my dad. The gun was no longer in my face.

"They are your friends and it’s just another form of payback towards you." he stated with an evil smile on his face. I don't know exactly if they are my friends or not. They wanted me to stay but yet they were mad at me on the elevator. Where they mad? Was Niall mad because of the suicide text? I'm so confused. I don't want him to hurt them anymore, so I guess I have to do what i have to.

"They aren't my friends." I forced out. They all took on expressions of hurt and shock.

"What?!" Niall shouted. "I thought we were? I thought we were all going to be friends and you were going to decide to go on with the show!" his voice was full of pain.

"I'm sorry but I-I lied." i have to lie to them to keep them safe. "I was going t-to use you for fame and then ditch you." I lied through my teeth. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes and they already were falling from Niall’s. What was going to happen next to ruin my life even more? I feel like a terrible person.

It Started with Game Show (One Direction/ mostly Niall)Where stories live. Discover now