chapter 3 Damn boy xD

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(This shall be the smallest chapter ever.... or longest...IDK XD ENJOY)

Jeremy's POV

I woke up on my bed. I sighed and got ready. I wore a beige long sleeve and a a dullish green shorts. They were shorter than my black ones. I wore knee high black commando boots. I didn't care about my hair at all. I walked to the pizzeria. It was 7:35 am. I didn't get much sleep.I walked in and see Mike. Curiosity sparks my attention.

"Hey what ya doing here?" I asked and he smiled and bit his lip staring at me. Was he checking me out? "I need a little more cash so I'm taking the day shift for today"

He awkwardly said still looking at I was wearing.

"Take a damn picture it lasts longer" I laughed. He took his phone and took a picture of me. I gave him 'are you fucking serious look' he laughed blushing like a mad man. "You said it lasts longer so I listened and took a picture of you" he had a big smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes. As I walked to sit next to him I trip on a soda can. I fell directly on top of him.(xD poor jeremy)

My lips were a cenemiter away from his. My stomach pressed against his. One of his arm was on my waist. Our crotches fucking touching. I blushed a bright red. I could tell he was holding something. Which I in all honesty thought it was a moan. I got up and help him up.

"Ummmm sorry... i-i didn't m-mean to f-f-fall on top of you." He just nodded blushing madly. I looked down to see had a little... 'problem' . I gestured to this problem and he blushed harder. "Ummm I'm going to ugh go to ..the umm bathroom... Can you watch over?" I nodded and he left.

"Damn boy what ya do to the lad?" I heard a old rusty voice say. I knew the voice more than anyone's. After 15 years he returned just like he promised. I turned around to see the purple haired,violet eyed man. He had stuble growing and he seemed a bit stronger. His smile... that same smile I've been waiting to see for ssoooooo long.

"Vincent...?" Was all I said. He smiled and nodded. I cried and attacked him in a hug. "IVE MISSED YOU SOO MUCH NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" I didn't give a crap if people stared I had nothing to loose.. well except Vincent .... and maybe Mike...

He hugged back crying as well. "Did ya keep the knife?" He asked and I nodded bringing the thing out of my pocket. "I never left without it" He smiled and hugged me tighter. I dragged him to play to play air hockey just like we used to. He won but I didn't care I was way to happy to give a fuck. He held my hand. I felt like as he was my father but.. I loved him more than my actual father. My real father didn't care about me but Vincent did.

After a hour Mike came out of the bathroom. "Hey Jeremy who is this?"he motioned to Vincent. "My friend Vincent" I smiled and he smiled back.

Vincent whispered in my ear "love birds" I blushed and punched his arm softly. "So who are you?" Vincent asked Jeremy. "Oh I'm Jeremy". He replied kindly.

"How long have you seen Jeremy?" I was curious how he put that sentence. "Oh ummm me met yesterday". He said I bit curious as well. "No! How long have you two been going out?" I blushed a bright red. "Vincent! How dare you-" he put a hand on my mouth. "Shhh just let it happen." He said and pushed me onto Mike. Our lips came crashing in and to be honest I liked it. I enjoyed kissing Mike. Vincent was laughing his arse off I pulled away and chased him around with a book.

Vincent your always have something up your sleeve.

How was that xD I cried while writing this xc

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