chapter 6 DRESS?!?!

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Jeremy's pov (thanks to ixHuggles for the idea xD jeremey clothes up there^^^^^ :3)

I woke up to my alarm and sighed deeply getting up and to my closet. I opened and realized all my clothes except my Lacey dress was dirty and in the laundry basket.(Jeremy you have a mall of clothes how they are they all dirty xD) I smiled and decided to put it on. People have seen me in it anyway. Maybe I should just wait for my date with Mike to wear it? I changed my mind last minute and  put on one of my dad shirts a hoodie and my black boots (^^^ up there)

I ran to school and got there out of breath. Jack and Amy were waiting for me outside and they laughed at my out of breath face. "Sorry" I said panting they nodded and we walked inside the brick building. "Hey ummm I got a date with a guy named Mike-" before I could finish Amy and Jack started squealing and saying they would make me so kawaii. Didnt mike call me that when he saw a picture of  me? I laughed seeing the two discuss what should I wear. Well today would be different I guess than the other days.

/time skip when they are at his house ^-^\

I smiled as Jack was fixing my messy hair. Amy ran around trying to find nice shoes to go with the lacey dress. It reminded me of some school uniform girls in a manga would wear. Amy finally decide to stick with the boots and helped me with a few conversations Mike and I could have. I heard the door bell ring and Vincent open it. I felt my heart skip a beat as I heard Mike's angel  like voice say hello to Vincent. Amy tried to push me out my bedroom door. I was too nervous to walk by myself down the stairs.

Amy lead me down the stairs once I reached the last step Mike noticed me and stared in awe. "Wow" he sounded breath taken at me. He had a dress shirt all buttoned up, jeans, and black dress shoes. "Thank you... you look amazing as well" he blushed a pink. He extended his hand out at me. "Shall we get going Madam?" His fake accent sounded elegant. "We shall" I took his hand in mine and we walked to the door. As we were about to leave I hear Vincent yell loudly "REMEBER TO WEAR A CONDOM" I blushed a extremely bright red and Mike did as well. We walked out to the car. "Where are we going?" I asked curious.

"Its a surprise" he had a smirk on his face which made me even more. I started to notice we were going in the direction of the beach. The Sunset was beautiful the pinks and oranges danced all over the sky it seemed. After a while we got to a weird cliff thing near the ocean. When I got out of the car put his hands over my eyes.

"Mikkkkkkeeeeeee" I whined and he laughed. "Okay now you can see" he took his hands from my eyes and I saw a he had set up a picnic. I smiled and he led me to the cloth laid on the floor. I sat on it and looked at the sunset. It looked gorgeous especially with the ocean. We ate and chatted but felt as if someone or something was watching us not in a threating way but as if just wanted to see what we were doing. "Hey ... what's that" he pointed to a figure behind a tree. My eyes widen and I walked towards it and there..... stood my hoe laughing at my frightened faces. (Of course Chica would appear xD)

(another random time skip)

Chica had left a while ago. Mike decided it be fun to go to a fair so we did. We walked around the booths. "Hey what about that one" I asked Mike. It was one of those knock down the bottles thing. Vincent used to take me to these when I was smaller he always would win no matter what. "Knock all the bottles down and win a prize!" The chubby man smiled. We handed him a dollar and he gave us three balls. Mike threw the first two and failed and I laughed. "Oh what think you can do better?" He laughed as well and I smiled. "I know I can" I threw the ball and knocked all of them down. The man gave me a giant teddy bear.

Mike stared in shock with his jaw open. With my finger I closed his jaw. "Flies are going to go in your mouth." I laughed. He smiled and kissed my cheek and I. Blushed madly.

Probably the best day ever.

HAIIIIIIIIII XD how'd I do? I did it as fast as I could x3 sowy ^_^ if it sucks

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