chapter 13 Chica and foxy xD

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Jeremy's POV

I woke up next to Mike. He had a arm  around me holding me close to his chest. I smiled and gentley moved his hand away and got up to the kitchen to make food. I sighed with a smile as I looked at my stomach. What are we gonna name the child anyway?( EMIIILLLYYY XD or something else if my readers hate the name)

As I was finishing the pancakes I heard soft footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Mike lazzly leaning against the door frame to the kitchen. I smiled at him warmly. "Morning" I turned away taking care of the eggs and pancakes. He yawned and walked up to me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder smiling. "Morning" he kissed my cheek and I handed him his coffee. Sadly, today we had to go to work or at least he had to but I'd tag along. I served the pancakes and eggs  handing them to the extremely sleepy Mike. I giggled as he nearly fell asleep in his pancakes. I grabbed the syrup from the fridge and set it on the table.

We ate in silence not awkward silence but more like a calming happy silence. I finished eating and noticed Mike reading the newspaper. We are turning into the typical American family well without the wife thing. I smiled picking up his plate. I took it to the sink but before I could even turn on the water Mike chirped up. "Don't wash them I will... you deserve a break." He stood up walking over to the sink. "but Mike-" he kissed my lips cutting me off.  "No buts now go relax my queen" I blushed a bright pink when he called me his queen. I nodded walking up to our room and sat watching a random movie until Mike was done.

I sighed as I saw the clock signaling we should get ready. (There morning is around night time and there diner is around breakfast •_• there work hours are insane)

I watched as Mike ran around finding his hat. I put on a white sweater some jeans and red convers. When he was done I was waiting at the stairs he smiled at me. He picked me up bridal style smiling. I yelped and clung onto him. He laughed. "Gotta practice if we'll be doing this at our wedding my ,Queen" I blushed a bright red and smiled. I snuggled into his chest as he went down the stairs and to the car. He put me down and opened the car door for me. "After you madam" I giggled and got in. He shut the door and walked over to the other side and got in. I turned on the radio as we started driving and I heard 'just a dream' come on.

Open eyes it was only just a dream

So I traveled back down that road

Will you'll come back no one knows

I realized it was only just a dream

If  you ever loved somebody put you hands up

In the corner of my eye I saw Mike put his hand up. I laughed and put my hand up. We parked and got out walking into the pizzeria. The workers were rushing trying to finish before 12 am. We were still a bit early. I walked up to the animatronics and playfully glared at Chica. "Because of you I'm pregnant" I saw Chica twitch like she was trying to fight against her programming to say or do something. Some of the workers screamed. I laughed at there screams. Reminds me of the scream of those children. Some girl workers thought I was insane when I got on the stage and stared at Freddy . Freddy twitch making everyone work faster. I giggled."you don't scare me anymore I've basically lived in the pizzeria with you"  One worker was crying because they closed late they had to work longer at night. I heard a groan come from Bonnie. I walked up to him smiling.

The clock read 11:55. 5 more minutes. Some workers were texting goodbye to there family. They still had a hours work of cleaning. I sighed deeply. They won't make it unless I do it. "Leave all of you Now.... I'll finish your work." I have never seen the workers smile so big at me. They nodded thanking me some worried I'd get killed. They left in a hurry. I cleaned up while Mike headed to the office. The clock struck 12 and Chica dashed to me hugging me. "YAY IM THE AUNT" Foxy walked out. "No I want to be a lonely solo uncle" I watch the fan girl and fan boy fight over who got to be the uncle or aunt.Mike walked up to me and kissed my lips.

I saw the two squeal and smash tables against the wall screaming "JEREMIKE!" I laughed cleaning up the mess. In a hour I finished. Bonnie was sitting next to me attempting to make a flower crown. I smiled as I watched Mike and Freddy discuss names for the child. Foxy and Chica were still fighting reasons to why they deserve to be important to my child. I guess I kinda liked the attention I was never really cared for as a child. I was always in the background. My father was so devoted to himself that I would find comfort through the animatronics. When Vincent joined he saw how ignored I was.He told as a child he was also ignored by everyone.

He was the first to care for me and still to the day still cares. I saw Mike walk up to me and kiss my cheek. "Love ya boo " I laughed and hugged him. "Love ya too" he smiled and kissed the top of my forehead.


Did I do good? •^• am I finally loved ? XD k ADIOS ME AMIGOSSS

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