Chapter 8~ Potions with Slughorn

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  Amelia and Aurora walked together to their first class of the year, luckily for them it was potions with Professor Slughorn. As they made their way into the classroom they realized that nearly everyone was there.

  Amelia looked around the room for two seats but with her luck that was NOT gonna happen. The only remaining seats were next to Druella, wait no Cygnus sat next to her. Damn you Cygnus!

  There was another empty seat next Walburga. Amelia and Aurora locked eyes for a second and both ran to get the seat. Sadly, Professor Slughorn came in and called Amelia's name, why now she thought.

  "Oh Amelia dear, it's lovely to see you!"

  She internally groaned because now Aurora got the seat and she was left to find another seat.

  "Yes Professor, it's a pleasure to see you too."
  "Ms Gaunt, as you know I hold a club exclusive for only select students and was wondering if you'd like to join us seeing as I along the rest of your teachers have nothing but nice things to say about you!"

  Umm my muggle studies teacher might have something to say about that... she didn't say that out loud of course, but it was true, Professor Dumbledore told her she should take that class along with a few other Slytherins, she didn't want him to tattle to the other Professors that she, a pureblood Slytherin, didn't want to take it. She knew Dumbledore had it out for Slytherins since 2nd year when he awarded Gryffindor some last minute points, him and Headmaster Dippet already declared Slytherin won and took it away from them.

  "Isn't the Slug Club for boys professor?"

  She was thrilled to be apart of it but there's only ever been boys in the slug club she didn't find it fair but that's how things worked in these times.

  "I've made an exception for you my dear. You shall await my owl."

  With that he walked to the front, Amelia went to go find a spot when she saw, she could either sit besides Paisley Parkinson or Malfoy. Not very good options, in fact horrible options.

  Abraxas seemed distracted and Paisley looked like if anyone even looked in direction she'd start bawling her eyes out and yell at them So option one it is.

  She walked over to the seat just in time to hear Slughorn say, "These will be your assigned seats for the rest of the year so get comfortable!"

  That's when Abraxas finally looked over at her,

  "You couldn't find somewhere else to sit?"

  "No I just enjoy your company."

He just rolled his eyes at that and turned away to face the front of the class, so naturally Amelia did the same and shot a glare at the back of Auroras head, she eventually turned around and once their eyes locked there was no going back.

If looks could killed she'd be dead already, like no exaggerating this time, she'd be long gone.

  After a solid ten minutes Amelia heard someone clear their throat, she turned to her right and saw Malfoy staring at her,

  "What do you want Malfoy?"

  "Oh so you're not deaf! I've asked you seven times already!"

  His sounded extremely annoyed and done with Amelia when class only started ten minutes ago, she must've seemed genuinely confused so Abraxas came to the conclusion she had no idea what he was talking about.

  "What potion do you want to make, since we're sixth years now, Professor Slughorn decided that for the first task, we must brew a potion of our choosing and we will be graded on how effective it is, complexity and for some reason ..."

  He mumbled the last bit so she said,

  "Wait what was the last bit I didn't quite catch it Malfoy."

  "I said ... Gaunt"

  He mumbled it again.

  "I can't hear you!"

  He seemed fed up with her now and like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.

  "I said teamwork Gaunt ok???"

  "Teamwork?!?! But- that has nothing to do with our knowledge of potions!"

  "Yes I'm aware of that Gaunt thank you very much now keep your bloody voice down I don't want to get deducted points because of your big mouth."

  "I have a big mouth?! Excuse me but if I remember correctly you are the one with a big mouth!"

  He stared at her waiting for her to realize that he of course was right, she was quiet and collected until Abraxas Malfoy was brought into the equations.

  "Ok fine what potion do you want to make then your royal highness?"

  He rolled his eyes at that and thought for a second until his eyes slightly lit up but only slightly.

  "How about the Draught of Peace, I know it's beyond your skill level but-"

  "Beyond my skill level? This will be the best Draught of peace you have ever seen! Just you wait and see!"

  "Oh did I mention that the winners get a bottle of Felix Felicis?"

  "Ok scratch what I said before, this will be the best Draught of Peace anyone's ever seen!"

  With that they started looking through their textbooks and writing down the ingredients on a peace of parchment, Amelia NEEDED the bottle of Felix Felicis and with Tom Riddle in her potions class this was going to be a difficult task.

Words: 906

Ok this is kind of an early update for me!

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